20 February 2019

Valentine Countdown Blitz! Day 13

Stan published his first book at age 5, when he managed to win a local writing contest for the library.
He's matured (slightly) since then, and has switched from writing about a boy and his dog, to clean contemporary romance, murder mysteries, and light fantasy/sci-fi.
Along with his wife,  9 (and counting) children, and a ninja cat, he inhabits a place with a pair of national parks in his backyard.
He considers himself really rather blessed.

~ Website ~


Jim Sharp is the only widower in the senior class of Mendon State University. Still reeling from the tragedy that claimed the love of his life, he struggles to pick up the pieces and close his heart forever to love. 

When an otherworldly encounter places him squarely in the path of new love, Alex sees no way to give his crushed heart away a second time. 

His wife, however, has other plans.


Sooner or later it was bound to happen.
You’d think a guy who had spent two years being married would at least know how to ask a girl out, but as I watched most of MeSH file out of our weekly club meeting there was no mistaking the way my pulse thudded in my ears. I’d soaked my sleeves trying to dry my palms, but to no avail.
The only way out is through, Jim, I told myself. The worst she can do is decline.

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