21 February 2019

Valentine Countdown Blitz! Day 14th

Award-winning author, wife, mother, grandmother, Harry Potter geek, Army veteran, karate black belt, and online gamer girl.

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As the eighth earl of Kellworth, Gareth is accustomed to getting what he wants. Then he encounters a woman he suspects is from the future--a utopian future that he feels compelled to see. He intends to get what he wants, but it will involve dealing with fae magic. And that could lead to disaster--for his heart.

Dr. Catherine Ryan is drawn to the handsome guest at Twickenham Manor, with his odd combination of childish excitement and old eyes that have seen too much pain. She loses her heart to him before she discovers the truth of when he’s from. Now she faces the biggest decision of her life!


I’d like to suggest that we do something a little different today,” Catherine said to Gareth at the end of their third week together. They were headed toward the pastry shop where the people now knew him by his first name. It seemed to please him whenever they called him Gareth. 
“What would you have us do?”
“We’re still doing the tour of Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard. It’s tonight. It’s a fundraiser event for work, but it’s at the Barbican Conservatory. We could take a tour during the day, but I thought it might be more fun for you to see how it can be used in different ways.”
“A social function?” Gareth asked, perking up even more. “With your peers? How formal will the dress be? I wish to do you credit. Will I meet other female doctors?”
He was so adorable. Catherine had debated inviting him to be her plus-one. She hadn’t gone last year because she couldn’t bring herself to go alone. If she showed up with a guest this year, coworkers would assume he was her boyfriend and get way too excited for her. When he left next week, she’d have to deal with the pity thing again. 
Last night, as she’d crawled into bed, she’d decided to go alone. Then she’d dreamed of saying goodbye to him at the end of his holiday here. A sense of dread had filled her, and this morning she still hadn’t been able to shake it. Their time together was running out.
“Yes, you’ll get to meet other female doctors.” Catherine said. “Do you want me to set you up with one of them?” She had meant it as a joke and was surprised at the twinge of jealousy.
“Set me up?”
“Date someone.” At his confused expression, she added, “It’s when two people go to functions because they like each other romantically.”
“Courtship? With someone else?” 
Her heart did a little flip-flop. Someone else. The horror laced in his tone sent a thrill through Catherine that she had to push down. She had to admit she’d grown too fond of this handsome man with his charmingly old-fashioned manners, delight in the world around him, and even his gentle flirting. 

“I was teasing you. I won’t really set you up.” Not likely. When he left, Gareth Hildebrand was going to leave a huge hole in Catherine’s life. With so little time left together, she had no intension of sharing him with another woman.

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