08 April 2019

Like A Tree (A Davis Morgan Mystery) by Danny Pelfrey & Wanda Pelfrey Book Tour, Guest Post and Giveaway! @dwpelfrey

Like A Tree
(A Davis Morgan Mystery)
by Danny Pelfrey & Wanda Pelfrey

                                         About the Book

Like A Tree (A Davis Morgan Mystery)
Inspirational Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
CrossLink Publishing (March 26, 2019)
Paperback: 175 pages
ISBN-10: 1633571556
ISBN-13: 978-1633571556
The movie industry spreading across Georgia has finally made its way to the little foothill village of Adairsville. Bookseller and police chaplain, Davis Morgan along with a young female clerk discover the body of a member of the movie company on a historic site at the foot of a large oak tree. Davis, despite his promise to his wife, cannot resist investigating the mystery. He and his young pal, policeman Charley Nelson, quietly dig into the case even though it is officially under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff. There is no shortage of suspects: the mysterious red headed man, sister of the victim, the fiancée and others. During the investigation an already troubled Charley is framed for a drug crime, and Davis receives word that an old enemy is on his way to Georgia after escaping from prison to make good on a threat against him. Late one afternoon it all comes to an astonishing conclusion beneath the same sprawling oak where it started.
Character Guest Post

Danny Pelfrey, co-author LIKE A TREE   
My name is Charley Nelson. My dad was Chief Nelson back in the day when there was only one policeman who kept the entire town of Adairsville safe. And he succeeded in a big way – he kept them safe. Ask anyone in this town. All I ever wanted to do was follow in Chief’s footsteps. For years, my older brother, Dean, has bugged me about becoming his partner down at the garage, but I’m no mechanic. I’m a policeman. Made some big busts too. Took a bullet over at the storage facility a few months back. They called me a hero then, but, boy, have things changed. Now they’ve taken my badge and gun away. They’re threatening to put me away for a few years, and for what? A bogus drug accusation. Somebody, I don’t know who, but some good-for-nothing is going to great lengths to take me out of the picture. Is it a malcontent from a past case looking for revenge, or does it have to do with the case on which Davis and I’ve been working - the body under the big tree? I don’t know.
I’ve always felt I could handle my own problems, but this one has me stumped. It seems like life has fallen apart for me all at once. A few weeks ago, I was ready to ask Tonya to marry me. After a lot of girls and a lot of dates I finally found that girl with whom I could settle down. It took me a while, but I was sure she is the one. Then it all comes tumbling down. She’s on her way to Jacksonville, and I may be on my way to the state pen in Jackson.
I’m glad to have a friend like Davis. We discovered early on that we had little in common, but we’ve been through a lot together. Maybe it’s because of that or maybe it’s because he has such a congenial personality, but for whatever reason, I’ve never had a better friend. The fact he is probing my mess gives me hope. I used to think Davis was so good at solving cases because he’s smarter than the rest of us, but after working with him several times, I’ve decided it’s not that he’s so smart. I doubt his IQ is much higher than mine. His success comes from his ability to observe. He hears and sees things the rest of us miss. I think he also has a methodical mind that enables him to logically put the clues together. I’ve known ever since he busted that murderous blond who lived up on the mountain that he’s something special. Regardless of the reason, he’s as good at bringing down the bad guys as anyone I’ve ever known. I sometimes wonder why he’s just our chaplain and not a detective on the force. With old Rat Face on the loose, and me without a gun, I worry about his and Deidre’s safety. I don’t know why, since he’s proven more than once that he and that baseball bat can handle whatever comes. I just wish he would talk to me. I sense he’s onto something, but he won’t tell me what it is.
If someone doesn’t figure it out soon, I’m going to lose it all. All my dreams were on the verge of becoming reality and I’m going to lose it all.    
 About the Authors

Danny & Wanda Pelfrey are a husband/wife team who in the past wrote helpful non-fiction books and material. Recently they have turned to producing “mysteries with a message.” Their stories are usually set in a small southern town in Georgia called Adairsville. Danny grew up in a poverty situation where he was often without access to TV for entertainment so he found books. It was not unusual for him, in his high school years, to read three or four books a week. So his love affair with books developed early. Danny received a degree from Point University and a Master of Ministry from Kentucky Christian University. He spent many years serving pastorates with churches in several states. Danny is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. Wanda started her writing career writing curriculum for various publishers. Among books she has authored is the popular, MAKING THE MOST OF YOUR CHILD’S TEACHABLE MOMENTS. She spent twenty-four years as a primary teacher in a Montessori school. She enjoys quilting and has never lost her love for reading. The Pelfreys have two daughters and five grandchildren. LIKE A TREE is the fourth Davis Morgan Mystery on which they have collaborated.

Website www.pelfreybooks.com. Facebook www.facebook.com/danny.pelfrey.566, Twitter Danny Pelfrey @dwpelfrey
Links for purchase: 
Amazon author page www.amazon.com/Danny/e/B001KMIKHM, CrossLink Publishing, Banes & Noble etc, www.pelfreybooks.com

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April 7 – I’m Into Books – GUEST POST
April 8 – Celticlady’s Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

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  1. Thanks for spotlighting LIKE A TREE. You are appreciated.


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