07 June 2019

Permission to Eat by Libby Parker, MS, RD Book Spotlight!

Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. No matter where you’re struggling on the spectrum of food behaviors, you are likely stressing yourself out about what the “perfect” answers are to making you feel good in your body again. It’s time to put down those calorie counters and end the trendy weight-loss diets! (Put down the keto shake...drop it!)
Permission To Eat is a practical guide for recovery from eating disorders in college and beyond. The book gives readers specific tools for all genders to break up with their disorder, including action-based worksheets and journal prompts, knowledge of medical complications and what to tell medical professionals, personal stories from the author and others who have been through eating disorders, and most importantly—hope for full recovery.

This book will help you discover how to:
Drop the guilt around eating and create a better relationship with food so that you can get on with the more important things in life. 
Know what information to tell health professionals so that you get the best care. 
Understand what some complications of your disorder can be, and how to reverse or stop them from happening with actionable tips. 
Handle it when your treatment team asks you to cut back on the exercise. 
Find peace with food and give yourself permission to eat intuitively. 

After reading Permission to Eat, you’ll feel the freedom to eat at any restaurant you want, to pick up any food that looks good, to get to know yourself, and to start loving your body instead of shaming it. Filled with nutritional information and glowing motivational messages, this book is sure to guide you toward trusting your body and taking the first steps toward long-lasting recovery.
About the Author
Hi, I'm Libby, and you have probably been poking around
my website seeing what I do - AWESOME!

As you are aware by now, I am a Registered Dietitian (RD),
or "nutrition expert" (see what it takes to become a RD HEREwho loves helping people re-learn how to eat intuitively.
I recently finished my Master's Degree in Nutrition Science,

and working on my
​"Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian"

credential through IAEDP. I just published an
​ED recovery book for college students -
"Permission To Eat" - and am in the process of adopting a child! 

Uff-da! I'm tired! (and originally from Minnesota).

Besides helping people have a better relationship with food,
​some of my favorite things to do are: sing 
(I use a lot of song lyrics in my everyday conversations), dance, act
(yes, I'm a musical theatre geek, and hope to someday perform on Broadway!),
read novels, 
run (first, and probably last, full marathon in 2015),
and drink café au lait (with a berry scone, preferably).


I am a, Master's level, Registered Dietitian (or nutrition expert),
and I work with college students, young adults, and performers
​who are struggling with disordered eating behaviors.
I help people to understand their eating behaviors
​so that they can form a healthy relationship with food.

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