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02 August 2019

Reclaimed by her Rebel Knight Mini Blog Blitz and Giveaway! @raresources

Reclaimed by her Rebel Knight

Married to a perfect stranger

Reunited with her warrior husband
When Constance inherited her father’s lands she had no choice but to marry cold-hearted Matthew Wintour. He left her for the battlefield without even a wedding night. Five years later Matthew has returned—a valiant knight! But Constance is no longer a frightened girl. And this time she must reach out to discover the honourable man behind the armour and what pleasures await them in the marriage bed…

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Reclaimed by her Rebel Knight extract - Jenni Fletcher

This extract is taken from early on in the novel when recently reunited married couple Constance and Matthew are travelling through Lincolnshire on their way to their new home. They've just parted company with Matthew's soldier friends and are finally alone together.

‘A puppy?’
Constance pressed her lips together, struggling to keep the laughter out of her voice as Jerrard and Laurent disappeared into the distance. It wasn’t exactly the way she would have chosen to describe her husband, although cold-hearted tyrant didn’t seem quite appropriate any more either and it wasn’t just because he’d bought her favourite horse as a gift. She was aware that he’d been making an effort to talk to her that morning as well, to make her feel better about leaving her family… Surely a tyrant wouldn’t have cared.
‘Something like that.’ Matthew rubbed a hand across his chin, dishevelled blond hair billowing about his face as the wind started to pick up around them. ‘He’ll pay for that comment in a few weeks. In the meantime, shall we rest a while here? You need something to eat.’ He reached for his saddlebag. ‘Your aunt gave me a bundle of spiced pastries.’
‘Ugh.’ She groaned and clutched at her stomach. ‘Trust me, food is the last thing I want at the moment. Besides, what about that?’ She gestured towards the sky in the south, to where a cluster of grey shadows were gathering together to form one giant dark mass. From a distance, it looked as if a veil were being drawn slowly but steadily over the sky.
That is inevitable. I’d say we’ve been lucky to avoid the rain so far. This must be the first day I haven’t been utterly drenched since I arrived back in England.’
‘Don’t speak too soon. Do you think we can outride it?’
‘We can try, but the horses need to rest for a while and so do you by the look of it. Here.’
He reached his arms up to help her dismount and she put her hands on his shoulders, trying to ignore the tremor of excitement that coursed through her body as her chest slid down against his.
‘Thank you.’ She swayed backwards as her feet touched the ground, trying to put some distance between them, but with the horse behind her there wasn’t much room. ‘Vixen does seem tired.’
‘She’s a fine beast.’ He put a hand on the palfrey’s mane, though he kept the other on her waist, his fingers gently stroking the curve of her back as if he were flexing his fingertips. ‘I’m pleased you like her.’
‘Very much. It was a thoughtful gift.’
She swallowed, wondering what to do or say next, very aware that they were alone together. Jerrard and Laurent were already out of sight and the baggage cart bearing the two coffers containing her wedding trousseau had yet to catch up. More surprisingly, Matthew wasn’t moving away either, pinning her between himself and the horse, and his proximity was doing strange things to her insides, not least her stomach which seemed to be filled to the brim with tiny, fluttering creatures.

After five years, it felt strange standing so near to him, as if there were an invisible cord of tension vibrating between them. She wasn’t accustomed to standing so close to any man, especially one who, without his customary scowl, was really quite astonishingly handsome. The copper tints of his hair looked more vivid in daylight, emphasising the dark glow of his eyes, and beneath a layer of stubble, his sharp features appeared almost perfectly symmetrical. She wondered why she hadn’t noticed that before. Not that now was the time for wondering…

Author Bio – Jenni Fletcher is Scottish by birth, but now lives in Yorkshire where she writes Medieval, Roman, Victorian and Regency romance novels. She studied English at Cambridge and Hull University and now teaches Creative Writing at a small university in the north of England. Her favourite Jane Austen novel is Persuasion and her favourite Brontë is Anne. If she had to choose a romantic hero it would be John Thornton, but maybe that’s just because she’s northern.

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