07 December 2019

The Librarian Picks Her Poison by Amber Gilchrist Book Blitz and Giveaway!

Amber Gilchrist lives in New Mexico with her husband and six children. She writes YA , Romantic Comedies, and series mysteries. She calls her lifetime of jumping from one job to another 'experience' for her books and not an inability to settle down. Amber loves mysteries and a good, happy romance. She also loves to laugh. Sometimes she likes all of them together.

A fan of quirky movies and indie books, Amber likes to be with her family, is socially inept, and fears strangers and small yippy dogs. She alternates between writing and being a mom. She tries to do both at the same time but her kids don't appreciate being served lunch and told, "This is the hot dog of your discontent." So mostly she writes when everyone else is in bed.

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Audrey Scott might be a childrens librarian, but that isnt all she can do. When her best friend, Gretchen Holden, stands accused of a murder, Audrey cant handle doing nothing more than bailing Gretchen out of jail. She has to figure out who really killed Gretchens step-father, a universally hated federal judge.

With a not small list of potential people the judge has wronged, Audrey and her friends have a rough ride ahead of them trying to decide who had a motive, means, and opportunity to put the judge in an early grave. With the help of Derek Hennessy, erstwhile enemy turned very good friend, and her normal crew of cohorts, Audrey wont stop until the threat no longer looms.


A fragile Gretchen wasnt something I felt good about seeing.  I didnt want to smother her with my attention, but she was still shaking, her legs wobbly and she was pale, with dark circles under her eyes.  I had no idea how long it had been since shed slept.  Or even eaten.  Her blood sugar was likely rock bottom.  I bit my lip, debating if I could push her into letting me at least hold her arm and guide her to the car.  I met Kyles eyes, and I knew he was aware of how scared I was she wouldnt even make it to the car.  He nodded very slightly.
Without asking, he put his arm around her shoulder and directed her towards the door.  It was a sign of how exhausted she was that she let him.  In fact, she huddled into his side, looking ridiculously small, even though in reality she and Kyle both were tall.  She was 510which I knew for sure, and Kyle was over six feet.  I usually hated them both for it.  But right now, she looked tiny and frail.  Kyle was the most solid guy I knew.  If someone was looking for safety, clinging to Kyle was a very good choice.  I hoped his solid presence was returning at least some sense of security to her. 

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