04 August 2020

Homeschool by Design By Monica La Vella Spotlight and Interview with Author!

Homeschool by Design

By Monica La Vella

Genre: Homeschooling, Education, How To

Book Description

How would it feel to know exactly how to homeschool? 

Join homeschooling expert, Monica La Vella, as you embark on a quest to design your homeschool. In this fun and easy-to-read guide through the Sea of Knowledge, you will create a homeschool design that’s a perfect fit for your family.

By the end of this book, you’ll:

 -  choose your homeschooling method

 -  be confident in planning your days (or in choosing not to plan your days)

 -  know how to document learning in a fun and carefree way

 -  create a fully designed homeschool that’s right for your family

Interview with the Author

What do you find most challenging about the writing process, and how do you

deal with it?

The part I find most challenging about writing is actually sitting down to write. I’ll have a

great idea to write about, but then there’s something that ‘needs’ to get done and it

distracts me from writing. I’ve been able to get really focused for this book, which

allowed it to flow out of me so quickly. 

When and where do you do your writing?

I have a beautiful couch in my bedroom where the sun streams in and I used to use

it for writing. However, lately, it’s been at our big kitchen table overlooking the

backyard. We have a family of rabbits who often munch on grass back there. I

find it incredibly calming to watch them as I write. 

As for when I write, it’s always in the early morning hours. I wake up before the

rest of my house and I’m bright and chipper with a clear head. I spend about

2 hours at my computer where I can get so much done before my day actually

starts with breakfast. Early mornings are my best writing time.

What have you learned about promoting your books?

In promoting my books I’ve really learned how to be brave. With each book I’ve

published, I’ve become better at putting it out there. It’s scary to do that! To be

vulnerable enough to put your work out there is scary. It takes a lot of bravery and

I think I’ve built that up over the years. This book has been the first I’ve really put it

out there. My others (children’s books) were mostly for my family and friends and a

few local bookstores. This book will be out to the masses. Still scary, but that bravely

I’ve learned has really helped this process.

What are you most proud of as a writer?

I’m most proud of getting my work out there. I’ve been a writer forever. I remember

seeing The Phantom of the Opera for the first time when I was about 12 years old

. I went home and immediately started writing a love story. There’s never been a time

in my life where I wasn’t writing. However, I hid my writing for years because of fear

of what people would think. I’m most proud of getting over the fear and putting

my work out into the public eye. 

If you could have dinner with any writer, living or dead, who would it be and

what would you talk about?

This is such a hard one! I think I would go with J.K. Rowling - both for myself

and for my boys. We would talk about Hogwarts, how to make it real, and where

I would fit in as a potions teacher. 

About the Author

Monica is a serial entrepreneur with a huge passion for teaching. She has been a home-educating mama since 2009.

Obsessed with traveling, Monica and her family of four can be found exploring North America a quarter of the year. Following the mantra life by design, both she and her husband have built businesses that allow them to travel often. As a family, they have experienced more than half the US states, half the Canadian provinces, and six countries, learning the whole time.

When not traveling, Monica can be found writing, studying her ancestry, and eating vegan chocolate. Not necessarily in that order.

Recently featured on a national TV station with multiple segments on the transition to homeschooling, Monica has a Facebook group she uses to support hundreds of families as they educate their children from home.

Besides homeschooling, Monica is the founder of one of Canada’s biggest vegan food festivals, an essential oils educator, speaker, and author.

Excerpt From Book

We're just going to dive in and start with one of the most asked questions by anyone considering the idea of homeschooling. 

How do you start homeschooling?

I like to answer this by saying there's no one way to homeschool. It can be designed to look like whatever you want it to look like. It's the entire point of this book, right? 

Some families feel calm when they have a schedule in place, similar to that of traditional schools. Other families feel calm without a set schedule and prefer to set a rhythm for their days. Others make no plans at all and design their days based on the interests of their children.

All of these are the best ways to homeschool because they fit each family best – Homeschool By Design. 

So again, how do you start homeschooling? Here's the gist of it: 

  • Consider any local laws around homeschooling.

  • Observe how your children learn best.

  • Think about what kind of homeschooler you would like to be.

  • Check out the various curriculum.

  • Decide on what routine (or lack of one) will work best for you and your kids. 

Are you sweating? It's not that complicated, I promise! This book will walk you through all the steps, so you have a reliable place to start. 

Connect with Monica!

Website: www.homeschoolbydesign.com 

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/7738953.Monica_La_Vella

Facebook: facebook.com/groups/homeschoolbydesign

Instagram: instagram.com/imateachingmom

Pinterest: pinterest.com/imateachingmom

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