14 August 2021

Meet the Character Day: Chatting with Brian from Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover by Kelli A Wilkins!


Meet the Character Day: Chatting with Brian from Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover

By Kelli A. Wilkins


This “Meet the Character Day” blog is part of a series examining my romance novels. In each “Behind the Scenes” blog, I talk about why I wrote the book, share my thoughts on the plot and/or characters, and reveal what I loved most (or least) about writing the book. The “Meet the Character Day” blogs are fun chats with the heroes and heroines from my romances. Warning: blogs may contain spoilers.

Hello romance lovers! Today we’re chatting with Brian, the hero from Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover by Kelli A. Wilkins. Let’s see what’s on his mind…

Greetings, Brian. Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover is a contemporary paranormal summer romance. Can you tell us more about the book?

Hi! Well, Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover is what the title says, confessions of a vampire’s lover. It’s the story of how I met and fell in love with a woman named Anya, who turns out to be a vampire.

The story is told entirely in first person from my point-of-view. That’s unusual for a romance, because most of them are third-person stories and you get a variety of different characters’ points-of-view. Or, if it is a first-person romance, it’s usually told by the heroine, not the hero. But this is my story and I tell it the way it happened. 

Readers should know that the story is an erotic romance. I don’t shy away from sharing explicit details about our sexual encounters. Some people might be turned off by the high heat level (3), but they would still enjoy the story. They can skip over any scenes that are too “hot!” 

What drew you to Anya?

I was on the beach at night, toward the end of the summer season, and I saw her reading a book (it was a romance novel, of course). It was strange because she was reading by moonlight. Anya was alone, but something about her seemed lonely, and kind of aloof. I thought she was cute, and I wanted to talk to her, but when I looked back, she was gone. The book was lying there in the sand, but she had vanished. Needless to say, that got me very curious. The next time I saw her (at a party) I made a point of talking to her and getting to know her.

When did you find out Anya is a vampire and how did you take it?

How do you think I took it? I thought she was nuts! (Laughs). Who wouldn’t? I mean, really, if someone told you they are a vampire, would you believe them? And besides, I first saw Anya on the beach. Most people don’t think of the beach as a place to find a vampire. 

I don’t want to give away too much of the story, but I knew Anya had peculiar habits (she never came to see me during the day, left my place before dawn, she never let me see where she lived), but, being a guy, I thought she was being secretive and seeing someone else on the side. When I confronted her about cheating on me, she confessed that she was a vampire. I didn’t believe her at first, but then I started piecing other things together, and it made sense. (Plus, she showed me her fangs!)

What’s Anya’s personality like? Are you very compatible?

Yes, we get along great and are still in love. Of course, I had to make certain ”adjustments” to be with Anya, but it was certainly worth it. I’ve always been a bit of a loner and so had Anya. Now we can be “alone together” so to speak. I wasn’t close to my family, and her family has been gone for a few hundred years. 

Anya has a great sense of humor when you get to know her. She loves watching movies, listening to music, going to concerts, and traveling. Even after all these years, there’s so much to do and see in the world. She told me it’s much more fun to do things as a couple. Anya has her serious side and can get a little moody, but so do most people.

Okay, we need to ask… Feeding is mentioned in the story… how does that work exactly?

Kelli decided to keep Anya’s feeding “off-page” in the book. After all, this is a romance. Readers might be turned off by the bloodier, or more violent, aspects of Anya’s life. I’d like to say that we’re not how vampires are portrayed in the movies and tv shows. We’re not lurking in graveyards or castles, wearing capes or filly dresses, and attacking people in their beds. 

We basically live like any normal couple (except we’re nocturnal and have special dietary needs). Anya has asked that I don’t go into too many specific details (for obvious reasons), but I can say we don’t harm anyone or “feed” from anyone without consent, and we don’t need to feed as often as people think. 

Do you have other vampires in your life? Human friends?

Sort of. Anya knows where there are one or two other vampires nearby (they have a psychic connection), but we don’t socialize. We do have mortal friends and coworkers (yes, we have jobs), but we’re not incredibly close and they don’t know our secret. Vampires have been living alongside mortals for thousands of years. We live in the background (or the shadows!) and tend to mind our own business.

A big part of the story is how much you love surfing and going to the beach. Do you still surf?

Yes, I’m still surfing. Of course, I can’t go to the beach during the day, but I surf at night. I still love being near the ocean, and I’ve starting deep-sea diving. It’s amazing what treasures you can find underwater!

Anything else you want to add?

I hope readers like Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover. It’s a quick summer read (maybe even a beach read!) that blends a dreamlike romance with sizzling love scenes. Kelli says it’s gotten several great reviews, too.  

Enjoy the rest of the summer everyone! If you missed any blog in this series, you can catch up here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/blog

Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover

The moment Brian spotted Anya sitting on the moonlit beach, he was hooked. Beautiful, smart, and sexy, Anya was the girl of his dreams. She didn’t mind that he spent the hot summer days riding the ocean waves, because once the sun set, he belonged to her—all night long!

Everything is perfect between them—until Brian discovers Anya’s shocking secret. Can Brian give up the sun, sand, and surf to be with the woman he loves?

Read Brian’s first-hand account of their unusual love story in… Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover.

Order Confessions of a Vampire’s Lover here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IBYWYCI 

All other platforms: https://books2read.com/u/49xp1J

Read reviews & more here: https://www.kelliwilkins.com/confessions-of-a-vampire-s-lover


Want more? Follow Kelli’s Facebook Contemporary Romances page: https://www.facebook.com/Contemporary-Romances-by-Kelli-A-Wilkins-1965702023664339/


Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20 romance novels, 7 non-fiction books, and 3 horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror stories. 

She released Journaling Every Week: 52 Topics to Get You Writing in early 2021. This fun and innovative guide to journaling is filled with hundreds of thought-provoking prompts designed to get you writing about your feelings and emotions. 

In 2020 Kelli published Love, Lies & Redemption, a western romance set in 1877 Nebraska. This novel blends a sensual love story with mystery and danger.

Kelli posts on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and Twitter: www.Twitter.com/KWilkinsauthor

Visit her website/blog www.KelliWilkins.com for a full title list and to find all her social media links.

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