Blessed by the Best: My Journey to Canton and Beyond by Brian Dawkins, Michael Bradley (Contributor)
Publisher: Camino Books, Inc; 1st edition (August 30, 2021)
Category: Memoir, Football Biographies, Sports, Inspirational
Tour dates: June 27-July 14, 2022
ISBN: 978-1680980257
Available in Print and ebook, 256 pages

Description Blessed By the Best by Brian Dawkins
Drafted by the Philadelphia Eagles in 1996, Dawkins fought to elevate not only his own game but that of his entire team. He sweat, bled, and dominated through sixteen season in the NFL all the way into the Hall of Fame, but not for a moment did he believe his strength alone brought him that glory. Every step of the way the Lord had his back. From coaches that wanted to break him to defeats and bitter lessons in humility, his career is a testament to his faith and an homage to the countless people that helped him along the way.
In the wake of his success, Dawkins comes forward to describe his journey to become one the best safeties in the NFL. Physical training wouldn’t cut it. Blessed by the Best follows Dawkins trials to train his mind and faith along with his skill. As a nervous kid from Jacksonville, he never dreamed of one day standing in front of a crowd to accept that golden jacket. But one way or another, he made it. Dawkins tells his story straight, unafraid of exposing his own weaknesses; his over competitive spirit that takes losses to hard, the tunnel vision that estranged him from his kids, and the self-doubt that plagued much of his early years. Triumphs, pitfalls, love, and struggles Dawkins shares them all, not for himself, but in gratitude of those who have helped him along the way.
“I had been blessed by the best. First, that meant the Lord, who has blessed me with so much. It also meant all those people and things around me that I believe were the best for me. Maybe they weren’t the best for somebody else. Your best may not be my best. That’s fine. Everything that has happened to me has been to bring out the best in me. Even the toughest, hardest times in my life were the best things for me. If I hadn’t gone through them, maybe I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”
“This is not a football book. It has football in it, but this is a life tool,” Dawkins told Heavy. “These are things that I have gone through in my life, that others have taught me.”
Excerpt Blessed By the Best by Brian Dawkins
“How Faith Helped Brian Find His Way Out of the Darkness"“We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God. And we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 (AMP)
Taking the medicine numbed me to “stinkin’ thinkin’,” but it numbed me in a lot of other ways, too. I didn’t like that feeling. As a matter of fact, I hated it. It wasn’t me. But what it did was pause me just enough to help me find another way to handle my anger and depression. The Word of God. Those seeds of Faith that lay dormant inside me could finally get that living water. I quit the medication cold turkey, which you aren’t supposed to do, but I was feeling like a zombie. Most importantly, I turned heavily to the Bible. Reading, studying for answers, journaling, listening and praying more consistently than I ever had till that point. I went cold turkey on the music I listened to as well. I did that for about a year. Then after that, I just couldn’t go back to some of the vulgar things in it. I no longer felt comfortable listening to them. Since then it’s 100% Gospel or Jazz.
It was then that I made the final decision to walk with the Lord consistently and live by the word. Since that time, my faith has increased exponentially. I started to seek Him as fully as I knew possible. I was influencedvby the Bible story of Ananias and Sapphira, a married couple who lived during the earliest days of the Church, when all possessions of members were communal and those who gave away their wealth to the Church were praised by other members. Many who did that, like Barnabas, were not looking for the acclaim. They just wanted to help the Church. But Ananias and Sapphira wanted to be congratulated for their gesture, so they sold a piece of property and gave the Apostles—who were the leaders of the Church at the time—part of the sale’s proceeds, while holding some back for themselves. They didn’t necessarily say they were giving all the money they had made, but they gave that impression and were happy to receive the praise and status within the community that brought.
But Peter was able to figure out their scheme. When he con- fronted Ananias and said that he had not lied to men but to God, Ananias died instantly. Soon thereafter, Sapphira came to Peter and refused to be completely honest. She, too, died on the spot. Their sins of pride and self-importance were their downfalls. I made an oath to God to give away some things that I really enjoyed, if He would take that depression away, especially those suicidal thoughts. I wouldn’t hold anything back like Ananias and Sapphira did. Or in my case, engage in certain things for personal pleasure again.
I decided to stop wearing an earring, because that was a sign of vanity for me. I thought it made me look good, so I stopped wearing it. I said I wasn’t going to drink beer or the hard liquor I was drinking ever again. I will have a glass of wine with dinner on occasion, but I haven’t had a drop of beer, or what I deem hard liquor, since that moment. I told the Lord I was going to walk his path completely. And by giving up some of those things, I believed he would reveal himself more to me. He did. Things weren’t perfect, but because I was learning to talk about my feelings, and because I was walking closer to the Lord, I became stronger. And I do understand when it’s all said and done, that oath was for me. When I give my word, I’m going to keep it. He gave me a better understanding on how and what to meditate on.
Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s Word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely, and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. – Philippians 4:8 (AMP)
© Blessed by the Best by Brian Dawkins (Pages 101-102)
Review Blessed By the Best by Brian Dawkins
Guest Review by Laura
A powerful treatise on faith, family, and believing in
Brian Dawkins was drafted to the Philadelphia Eagles
in 1996 and went on to play 16 seasons in the NFL, later joining the Denver
Broncos. Coming from Jacksonville, Florida, Dawkins was given a scholarship to
Clemson University so that he could play for their team.
Looking back on his career now as an NFL Hall of
Famer, Dawkins insists that it was only through his blessings that he was able
to achieve such success. Crediting his friends, family, and God with his
achievements, Dawkins writes about how to properly use all of the blessings
that you are given every day to the best of their advantage.
This is the kind of book that any reader will get
something out of, and some readers will get quite a lot. Dawkins' uses his life
experience to provide advice on everything from public speaking to connecting
with your children, and so many things in between. I particularly appreciated
the part where he wrote about suffering from panic attacks while he was making
television appearances and how he was able to overcome them by using Lamaze
breathing that he learned while his wife was pregnant. These are the kinds of
interesting details that give 'Blessed By the Best,' a very special kind of
If you're on the fence about reading this because
you're not a football fan or you don’t believe in God, I say, pick it up! You
won't regret it and Dawkins' fascinating perspective just might teach you
something about yourself along the way!
About Brian Dawkins
Brian Dawkins entered the NFL in the second round of the 1996 draft and has since achieved 1,131 tackles, 37 achieved passes, 26 recorded sacks and 19 fumble recoveries, which has earned him a place in the NFL Hall of Fame. Out of his 16 career seasons, Dawkins spent 13 with the Eagles before signing as an unrestricted free agent with the Denver Broncos in 2008. Despite the team change, Dawkins still holds several team records for the Eagles, and as of 2012 his jersey number 20 has become one of only nine to be retired in the history of the franchise.
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I'm so glad Laura enjoyed 'Blessed By the Best'! Thanks for hosting!