23 August 2022

The Flight of the Ravenhawk by J. Edward Hackett Book Tour! @SIUChasmite and @MagicPenTours @inksmithpublish #RavenhawkChronicles #theflightoftheravenhawk

BANNER - The Flight of the Revenhawk

Welcome to the Magic Pen Book Tours' organized tour for The Flight of the Ravenhawk by J. Edward Hackett taking place August 22 - September 2, 2022!

Book Details


Title: The Flight of the Ravenhawk

Series: Ravenhawk Chronicles #1

Author: J. Edward Hackett

Genres: Adult (16+) High Fantasy / Dark vs Light

Release date: September 4, 2019

Publisher: Ink Smith Publishing

Pages: 146 (ebook) / 262 (paperback)


A second-born prince. A banished elven princess. And a power-hungry Necromancer. Kalero Tremayne is second-born Prince of the Allurian Empire and a talented wizard and scholar. Sheltered by the throne he writes boldly about the Lightdweller religion, the Wizardium, his brother, the King, and the treatment of non-magickal subjects in the kingdom.


After distributing his writings on forbidden magick through Alluria, Kal is brought before the tribunal to face his crimes of treason against the crown. He is ordered to recant his beliefs, but Kal refuses. The punishment: Death. In dragon-form, King Darnashi embraces the power of the Underdark in an attempt to carry out Kal’s sentence.


Forced to flee, Kal finds himself in the Ancestral Wood with, Sylvara, an elven princess outcast. While Kal learns the balance of his power, the world of Apeiron is crashing into war.


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Ravenhawk - TWITTER-FB 1


In the sacred grove for the past two days Kalero sat on a rock before the waterfalls. Nobody disturbed him. In his wizard’s eye, Kalero opened himself up to the listening first taught to him by Sylvara’s primordial Druidism. He could hear creation’s song in every sound around him. In his heart, he could feel the peace of life and its ambient energy.


He could absorb it, harness it, and fill his soul with it. If anyone with a wizarding eye could see, his soul’s aura glowed an intense gold and green, crackling with power as he drew the power into himself. And if someone had faith, they would see a wizard devout. In between meditative states of absorbing these energies, Kalero would finger his mother’s Star of Galadrana and pray. Fastened around his neck by a leather thong, the medallion gave him hope.


He hoped for the very power, the very same power denied by the Wizardrium.
Ravenhawk - TWITTER-FB 2


J. Edward Hackett, Ph.D. is an academic philosopher at Savannah State University who rather than engage in metaphysical speculation in process metaphysics is off building magick systems in his world of Apeiron.

Ed absorbs the sunlight of the beach, practices zazen, and while writing and teaching philosophy and other courses in the humanities, he shoots landscape photography. Despite all of this, his greatest joy is teaching and writing. “Writing fiction is simply being philosophical with narratives rather than directly talking about concepts.”

Ed lives in Savannah with his wife Ashley and their two cats: Olive and Lulu.



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Thank you for stopping by, visit other tour stops, and enter the giveaway to win a $25USD Amazon gift card!

Tour Schedule

August 22

Journey in Bookland / @ladyofbookland journeyinbookland.wordpress.com / instagram.com/lady.of.bookland/ – Excerpt

Sadie's Spotlight sadiesspotlight.com / instagram.com/sadiesspotlight – Excerpt

August 23

Celticlady's Reviews celticladysreviews.blogspot.com – Excerpt

@jl_books instagram.com/jl_books/ – Spotlight

August 24

Books Writing and Coffee bookswritingcoffee.blogspot.com / instagram.com/bookswritingandcoffee – Excerpt

August 25

Books+Coffee=Happiness bookscoffeehappiness.com / instagram.com/bookscoffeehappiness – Excerpt

August 26

Jazzy Book Reviews jazzybookreviews.com / instagram.com/jazzybookreviews – Excerpt

August 29

#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog bookreviewvirginialee.com / instagram.com/bookreviewvirginialee – Excerpt

August 30

@natnavarro75 instagram.com/natnavarro75/ / tiktok.com/@natnavarro75 – Spotlight

Books a Plenty Book Reviews booksaplentybookreviews.blogspot.com – Excerpt

August 31

Mrs_r_books instagram.com/mrs_r_books/ – Spotlight

September 1

@itsabookthing2021 instagram.com/itsabookthing2021 – Review + Promo

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author valerieullmer.com – Excerpt

September 2

Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read mommasaystoreadornottoread.blogspot.com / instagram.com/mommasaystoread – Excerpt

Tour hosted by: Magic Pen Book Tours logo


  1. Good luck to the author for the success of the book!

  2. This so sounds like one that will keep me interested and reading and the cover is amazing.
    heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com


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