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17 November 2022

Angelbound, Lady Reaper by Christina Bauer Book Tour! #XpressoTours @XpressoTours


Lady Reaper
Christina Bauer

(Angelbound Origins, #10)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: November 12th 2022
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Young Myla and Lincoln Kick Ass and Take Names in This Prequel Novella for REAPER GAMES!

A part-demon girl fights Lady Reaper
Myla Lewis is a sixteen-year-old part-demon girl who fights evil souls in Purgatory’s Arena… and she’s always looking out for a good battle against evil. Enter Lady Reaper, the famous ghoulette who wields both a scythe and nefarious intentions. Myla discovers Lady Reaper will soon visit the Demon Woods ‘ride’ at Purgatory’s Annual Lust Festival. Time to visit the fest, kick ass and take names, right? Wrong. Lady Reaper has other plans for Myla and her bestie, Cissy…

A part-angel prince faces the Grim Reaper
Lincoln is a seventeen-year-old part-angel prince who protects humans from the denizens of Hell. On a routine trip to Earth, Lincoln uncovers clues that his best friend, Walker, might be allied to an evil ghoul named the Grim Reaper. Things go downhill from there…

***A 20,000-word novella***

Publisher Note: Originally, LADY REAPER was a full novel. However, the author fell ill with COVID and gave us this prequel novella instead. We have since locked Ms. Bauer into the basement with a charger cord, MacBook Pro and carton of Theraflu. Therefore, the full and epic conclusion of this story will definitely be delivered in the next release, REAPER GAMES.

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Lady Reaper

Lincoln – Age Seventeen


Thunder rends the air as the farmhouse magically house lifts higher into the sky. I race away from Dal and Walker, skidding to a stop under the building. Broken pipes and steel rods dangle above my head, creating a mosaic of destruction that is the home’s new base. 

I imagine my baculum igniting into a grappling hook and a line of hefty rope. White fire erupts around the baculum rods, creating a four-pronged grappling hook and loops of blazing cord.

A weight of worry settles inside me. Angelfire doesn’t burn me unless I grasp it for too long. Climbing up to that house could take a while. Pulling battle gloves from my pocket, I slip them on. With any luck, the extra layer will give me enough time. 

Holding the grappling hook in my right hand, I track the speed of the house. At the right moment, I toss the hook; it latches onto a low-hanging pipe. Yes. 

The line of angelfire dangles before me. I grasp the fiery rope and test its strength. Good enough

I climb.

I pull myself up the fiery rope toward the farmhouse. My arms strain from effort. The faint scent of burning tar fills the air as my gloves burn. Wind howls in my ears, along with Austin’s frightened cries. 

The house rises even higher. A jolt of worry moves through me. Humans will notice this building soon. If that happens, the best-case scenario means my people must track down any spectators and magically wipe their memories. In the worst case, humans will destroy the house and all inside.

Gritting my teeth, I push myself harder. The scent of burning tar fades as my gloves burn away. Pain sears across my palms and legs as the angelfire burns my flesh.

At last, I reach the top of the angelfire rope. With my left hand, I grasp the baculum within the fiery grappling hook. At the same time, my right hand clasps onto a low-hanging pipe. I imagine my baculum extinguishing. The rods become two silver bars in my left hand. I reset the weapon into a holster. With both arms free, I swing across the base of the house, going from one sketchy-looking handhold to the next.

At last, I reach the spot where the house’s base meets a wall. From here, I punch through the rotted wood and create a handhold. Hauling myself up, I scale the wall to the nearest window. 

With one final effort, I sling myself through the opened window and inside the building itself. I land in a large front room. It’s mostly empty, save for a few papers and sleeping bags. As expected, Bill, Daisy, and Austin are also here. Bill is a barrel-chested man with a shaved head. Austin appears to be a miniature version of his father. Daisy is stout and pretty with long dark braids and a turned-up nose. They’re all dressed in classic human style, which means jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. 

They stare at me with looks of wide-eyed terror.

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

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