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08 November 2022

Another Christmas from Hell R.L. Mathewson Book Blitz! #XpressoTours @XpressoTours


Another Christmas From Hell
R.L. Mathewson

(Neighbor from Hell, #13)
Publication date: November 4th 2022
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

The last thing that he wanted was to fall in love with his brother’s best friend.

From New York Time’s bestselling author R.L. Mathewson comes the next installment in the disturbingly funny romantic comedy series, Neighbor from Hell.

It was time to move on.

Granted, Cayley would have preferred to wait until after Christmas, but with her best friend somehow managing to get her fired and evicted in the same day, she had no choice but to move into the apartment across from the man that really didn’t seem happy to see her.

That was fine.

More than fine because if she could handle her best friend making her life a living hell and an ex-fiancé that was determined to get her back, then she could handle the man that was willing to do whatever it took to let the past destroy them both.

He couldn’t believe this was happening again.

For years, Bryce had been going out of his way to avoid Cayley, hoping that she would finally move on, but now that she was back, he realized that he no longer had a choice.

He was going to have to break her heart.

At least that was the plan until the little brat turned the tables on him, making him wonder how much longer he was going to be able to lie to himself even as one thing became painfully clear…

This was going to be the worst Christmas ever.

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Sneak Peek!

“You were always following me,” Bryce bit out as he followed her inside.

“Is that…is that Bryce?” Sean asked, sounding intrigued. “Do not hang up the phone, woman!”

“When?” Cayley found herself asking, unable to help but frown as she struggled to figure out what the hell he was talking about.

“When we were kids, you followed me everywhere. You were always at the house,” Bryce said, looking incredibly pissed as he glared at her over the kitchen island.

“Because your brother wouldn’t stop dragging me over there,” Cayley said, unable to help but wonder where he was going with this.

“I really wouldn’t,” came the heartfelt sigh from the bastard that was going to pay for this.

“You followed me to school every day,” Bryce said, folding his obscenely large arms over his chest while he glared at her, daring her to argue with him.

“We went to the same school. How the hell was I supposed to get there?” Cayley asked with a helpless shrug.

“You were always trying to hold my hand,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

“Yeah, when I was six and wasn’t allowed to cross the street by myself.”

“You always made it a point of sitting next to me at dinner.”

“Because that was the only empty chair at the table?” Cayley said, reaching up to rub her temple as she felt a headache coming on.

“Why did you show up at every job site I went to after school?” Bryce demanded.

“Because your annoying little brother threatened to put snakes in my bed if I didn’t bring him baked goods from my aunt’s bakery every day,” Cayley snapped, deciding that she was going to need caffeine to get through this asinine conversation.

“I really did,” Sean murmured, sounding quite pleased with the direction this conversation was headed while Cayley began searching through her refrigerator for a Coke. 

“Then explain why you’re renting the apartment across from me and why we’re now working at the same job,” came the demand as Cayley frantically searched through her fridge for her much-needed caffeine fix only to resign herself to making another trip to the store.

“Because the jerk face that I’m really wondering why I’m friends with got me evicted over an order of chicken tenders and got me fired on the same day because he can’t keep his dirty little hands to himself and left me with no choice but to beg your brother-in-law for a job and a place to stay,” Cayley snapped as she closed the refrigerator door.

There was a heartfelt sigh, and then Sean was mumbling, “Memories.”

Grumbling, and really wondering why she was friends with the big jerk that was making her life a living hell and couldn’t keep his greedy little hands off her Coke, Cayley grabbed a pen off the counter and made her way back to her kitchen island, where she wrote “Find a new BFF” on her to-do list.

“You better not have done why I think you just did,” came the warning that had her smiling.

“Oh, but I really did,” Cayley said, angrily slamming the pen down on the kitchen island and-

Suddenly found herself cornered by a very large and very angry James brother. 

“You’re in love with me,” Bryce said, placing his hands on the counter on either side of her and caged her in as he glared down at her.

Blinking, Cayley asked, “How are you getting that from what I just said?”

“Because he’s crazy,” came the murmured whisper in her ear that had her rolling her eyes.

Keeping his eyes locked on her, Bryce plucked the phone out of her hand and ended the call before placing the phone on the counter.

“You’re always watching me,” Bryce bit out.

“Because you’re always glaring at me,” Cayley pointed out.

New York Times Bestselling author, R.L. Mathewson was born in Massachusetts. She’s known for her humor, quick wit and ability to write relatable characters. She currently has several paranormal and contemporary romance series published including the Neighbor from Hell series.

Growing up, R.L. Mathewson was a painfully shy bookworm. After high school she attended college, worked as a bellhop, fast food cook, and a museum worker until she decided to take an EMT course. Working as an EMT helped her get over her shyness as well as left her with some fond memories and some rather disturbing ones that from time to time show up in one of her books.

Today, R.L. Mathewson is the single mother of two children that keep her on her toes. She has a bit of a romance novel addiction as well as a major hot chocolate addiction and on a perfect day, she combines the two.

If you’d like more information about this series or any other series by R.L. Mathewson, please visit

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  1. Good luck to the author for the success of the tour and book! Have a great day!

  2. Good luck to the author for the success of the tour and book! Have a great day!

  3. Thanks for being on the tour! :)

  4. Wishing you great success!

  5. At first glance that green bow on the cover looks like a shamrock for St. Patrick's.



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