Popular girl, Kennedy Myers made one mistake in high school – she chose the wrong boy. If only her nerdy friend, Elijah Stevenson would have told her how he felt, maybe things could have been different. Ten years later, the Spring Hills High School reunion gives them a chance to face their regrets. Will they get a second chance, or will it be just another missed connection? Readers who enjoy swoony reads will love Kiss You Back by Mel Walker, a second chance, friends-to-lovers, small town romance.
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Love Doesn’t Come with an Expiration Date
Kennedy Myers was the queen of Spring Hills High School: beauty pageant champ, head cheerleader, and the most popular girl in school. She only made one mistake—she said yes to the wrong boy.
Elijah Stevenson was the resident nerd at Spring Hills High. Convention said he should have never been friends with someone like Kennedy Myers. He hid in the shadows and avoided the spotlight, which was where she thrived. Not wanting to risk their friendship, Elijah watched as she ran off with the boy he knew wouldn't love her the way he did.
The Spring Hills Ten-Year High School reunion gives them both an opportunity to revisit the point in their life which they both hold with regret. Will the reunion allow them a second chance or will it be just another missed connection?.
Copyright 2022 Mel Walker
He looks good. Too good.
I stare into Elijah’s Stevenson’s intense hazel eyes, and I’m transported back in time. His gaze has changed; it carries with it more confidence and self-assurance than the nervous tic he used to possess. His inability to maintain eye contact with me had always given me a thrill, made me feel special, gave me a sense of power. His ability to swing on an emotional pendulum was one of my most favorite things.
One second, he’d forget who I was, and we’d be just two friends, hanging out and enjoying the little moments, something other boys in my class never understood. They always looked to impress me with their over-the-top gestures. Not Elijah. Once he got over the nervousness and he relaxed enough to reveal himself, we shared some truly special moments. Moments I didn’t get to share with many other people, moments I know he didn’t share with anyone else.
And then there were moments like this.
Friends don’t greet one another this way. Yet, we were always only friends. When these greetings started, I never expected that they would last. I expected he’d want more. I waited. Waited for him to take charge, and every single time he retreated. Until that very last time.
But it’s been ten years, and I’m different. I’m a shell of the princess who ruled the hallways at Spring Hills High. The ten years were not nearly as kind to me as they’ve been to him.
He has grown into a man. A tall, dark, handsome man with designer clothes, a New York City strut, and a confidence he never possessed before. This time his gaze doesn’t falter. We lock eyes, and it’s me who looks away first.
I inhale the expensive cologne, and images of equally tall models and trust fund women on his arm invade. My feet retreat, taking with me the confidence I possessed a moment ago. I realize now that he’s in the driver’s seat and the best I can do is hold on tight and pray he leads us to the promised land.
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About Mel Walker
Mel Walker has been writing fiction most of his adult life. Specializing in Short Stories and Contemporary fiction and Romance Novels. A native New Yorker and life-long frustrated NY Mets fan. He loves to write about ordinary people placed in difficult situations, especially as it relates to their closest relationships.
Mel Walker is a rare bird, the male romance author. Specializing in heartfelt small town romance, he enjoys telling compelling romances with all the feels. A native New Yorkers and life-long frustrated NY Mets fan, he enjoys long walks, bike rides and taking in the energy of the city.
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