05 December 2022

Driven by Kerena Swan Blog Tour!



Every mother’s worst nightmare
It was only for a couple of minutes, while dropping Noah off at nursery. Little did Melanie realise that leaving her sleeping son in the car would end up being the biggest regret of her life.

A teenage challenge turns sour
For teenager Woody, stealing cars with his new friend helps alleviate the tedium of a life of poverty and boredom. This isn’t what he wants to do with his life but for now, he feels accepted. Except on this occasion, his actions have consequences that could change his life forever. Is it too late to turn his life around?

How far would you go to save those you love?
While DI Paton is on the case of the missing child, he is quickly drawn into a web of deception that hits dangerously close to home. He soon finds himself torn in two, not knowing which way to turn: save his career or his family? Will he be able to crack the case before he himself cracks?

UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Driven-Paton-Investigates-Book-2-ebook/dp/B0BMGS953P

US - https://www.amazon.com/Driven-Paton-Investigates-Book-2-ebook/dp/B0BMGS953P

Read about Driven 


Melanie fiddled with her earring, waiting for a break in Jemma’s monologue to shoehorn a word in. She opened her mouth to speak but one sentence segued into another, with Jemma barely drawing breath. Yes, Melanie was interested in the nursery Christmas party arrangements but now was not the time.

            ‘So, I thought we could do a little nativity scene and—’

‘Look, I have to go,’ Melanie finally interrupted.  ‘Louie might have woken up. He’s outside. He had a bad night so it was a shame to wake him and bring him in.’

‘Outside?’ Jemma looked startled. ‘You should have said.’

Melanie pressed her lips together then hurried towards the door. ‘I’ll catch up with you later,’ she called over her shoulder.

She looked quickly at her older son Noah who was happily playing with the Lego. Thankfully, he hadn’t noticed her heading towards the exit. She left the village hall through the kitchen and out towards the car park at the rear then stopped abruptly on the doorstep, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Or rather, not seeing. Her new blue Fiesta wasn’t where she’d left it. Admittedly she’d parked it in an inconvenient place, a couple of metres from the kitchen door, but she’d only planned to be away for a minute or two. Maybe someone had moved it. She’d left the keys in it after all.

Melanie scurried around the small car park, looking behind a huge 4x4, her fear building like a migraine. Her car wasn’t there. Ice crystallised in her veins and the backs of her hands prickled as realisation broke through the denial playing in her head. No, no. Surely not. This was a safe neighbourhood. There weren’t robberies in Burrelton. Everyone knew each other here. She turned back to the village hall and stumbled into the kitchen where one of the mums was pouring orange squash into small plastic beakers.

‘My car…’ She couldn’t get her words out properly. ‘Louie.’

It was as though she were retreating into a dark tunnel. The room became a pinprick of light and she felt miles away. The woman turned to stare at her.

‘Are you okay, Mel? You’ve gone a funny colour.’

Melanie grabbed a chair and sat down. ‘Please, ask everyone if they’ve moved my car. Oh, God! What if it’s been stolen with Louie inside?’

‘Louie? Good grief! I’m sure there’s a simple explanation. Wait there while I ask the others. Put your head between your knees. You look like you might faint.’

Melanie hung her head down low, willing strength back into her limbs so she could find her boy. Within a minute several women had crowded into the kitchen and two ran through to the car park. Melanie looked from one face to another, hoping for a smile and an explanation but all she saw was fear. Raw, naked fear.

‘Call the police,’ she whispered as the blood left her brain and she slipped off her chair.

We are thrilled to be introducing DI Dave Paton and his son Tommy, the stars of the first novel in Kerena Swan’s new series, to the world. Before coming to Hobeck, Kerena had published three novels, Dying To See YouScared to Breathe and Who’s There? and has built a solid fan base around her writing career thus far. She is a juggler extraordinaire: driving forward a successful care business she runs with her husband yet finding time to write. She loves to write, here and there and everywhere when she’s not working. We don’t know how she does it but we are glad that she does! Kerena talks about her writing, her influences and how she came to Hobeck in this video.

Website: https://kerenaswan.wordpress.com/   

Twitter: @kerenaswan

Facebook : @kerenaswan  · Author

Giveaway – Win a paperback copy of Blood Loss by Kerena Swan (Open to UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.

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