11 April 2023

The Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan Book Tour with Excerpt!


Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan

Publisher:  DX Varos Publishing (March 7, 2023)
Category: Literary Fiction, British and Irish Literary Fiction, Historical Fiction
Tour Dates March 13-April 11, 2023
ISBN: 978-1955065702
Available in Print and ebook, 396 pages

  Campbell Sisters

Description Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan

Helen Campbell is the eldest and most practical of three sisters, daughters of hard-working Irish emigrants living in New York City in the 1950s. She does what she can to keep the wild-child middle sister, Carolyn, in line and support the youngest, Peggy, as she pursues her dreams of becoming a doctor. Then Helen meets Charlie. 

While it's love at first sight for those two, Carolyn’s antics threatens to derail all the sisters’ future happiness. However, through thick and thin, the three sisters strive to prevail, though not necessarily in the ways they thought they wanted.

Excerpt Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan

In this excerpt from The Campbell Sisters, Helen is waiting up for her sister Carolyn, the wild-child of the three sisters, to come home after her date.

 “Thanks,” Carolyn said, climbing through the window.

Helen stood in front of her, arms folded across her chest, her lips pulled tight into a slash across her face.

“Where have you been?” she said through gritted teeth. Carolyn froze.

“What?” She looked into Helen’s eyes, now steel blue daggers. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” Carolyn said, pushing past her.

Helen reached out and grabbed Carolyn’s arm. “You’re not putting me off that easily,” she hissed. “I saw you tonight at Stillman’s and I want to know who that man was.”

Carolyn’s eyes widened. “You were there?”

“Yes. On a legitimate date. Not sneaking around with a married man, like you.”

Carolyn’s mouth dropped open, but she said nothing. She pulled her arm away from Helen and strutted over to her bed.

“What I do is none of your business,” she said, undressing.

“You couldn’t be more wrong.”

“Sorry you don’t believe me, but it’s true.”

“What do you think Dad’ll do if he finds out you’re gallivanting around town with a married man?”

“He won’t. Unless you tell him.”

“You know I won’t do that, but you owe me an explanation. And Peggy.”

“Peggy? She doesn’t know anything. Unless you blabbed. Couldn’t keep this juicy little tidbit to yourself? Just had to tell someone?”

“I didn’t need to. She already guessed your dirty little secret.”

“What? How?”

“The night you came home at two o’clock. She’s not stupid. It didn’t take much for her to put two and two together.”

“Well, so now she knows,” Carolyn said, slipping into her pajamas. “At least now I don’t have to keep it a secret anymore. That gets really tiresome.”

The slap across her face echoed around the room. Carolyn staggered backwards and grabbed the dresser to stay on her feet. Tears welled in her eyes as her cheek blossomed into a fiery red blotch. She raised her hand to cover it and stared, horrified, at Helen.

“You slut.” Helen turned her back on her sister and climbed into bed.

Carolyn never moved as Helen turned out the light, plunging the room into darkness, although she knew she wouldn’t sleep that night. Her stomach churned and she swallowed hard, afraid she’d be sick before she could get to the bathroom. She had never hit either of her sisters in anger until tonight. Even after all Carolyn’s antics, she always found a reason to forgive. But tonight was different. Something had hit Helen deep in her gut when she saw that ring. She thought about all the bastard babies at the Foundling and the women who left them there because they had no other viable options. Something she didn’t like to think about.

Carolyn’s behavior went against all the rules Helen had followed her entire life. But Carolyn never played by the rules. She looked for ways to defy them. And now, she had flaunted that defiance in her sister’s face. In some strange warped way, in Helen’s mind, Carolyn had crossed the line and there was no forgiveness this time.

“Helen?” Carolyn’s voice trembled. “Helen, are you still awake? I need to explain.”

Helen bolted upright in her bed. “Explain! There’s nothing to explain. There’s no way you can talk yourself out of this one. I can see now I never should have let you slide all these years. I should have told Mom about all the things you’ve done and the people you’ve been with and let her, or Dad, deal with you. I thought you’d grow up and come to your senses. But you’re as willful and headstrong as you were when you were twelve years old. I’m done protecting you. You said it yourself the other day. You want men to desire and take care of you. A high-priced prostitute. Seems like you’re on the right path, Carolyn. Good luck. You’ll need it. Just don’t come crawling to me or Peggy asking for help when you wind up in the gutter with the rest of the trash.”

Carolyn stood next to Helen’s bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You don’t understand,” she whispered.

“Oh, really? Did he tell you his wife doesn’t understand him? That he’s getting separated, or divorced, very soon? That he can’t leave right now because of his kids? I didn’t think you were naïve enough to fall for any of those lines. Men have one aim in mind when it comes to pretty young women. And I see the results every day when a nurse brings a newborn into the nursery. Is that what you want? If so, you’re well on your way. So now, tell me what I don’t understand.”

Carolyn crumpled onto her bed like a marionette with broken strings.

“I’m all ears,” Helen said.

Carolyn looked at her, the defiant glare back in her eyes. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re a real bitch?”

Helen smiled. “Frequently.” She lay down and pulled up her sheet.


The next morning, the family sat around the kitchen table eating their cereal. Carolyn kept glancing over at Helen, waiting for her to drop the bomb that would expose all her lies. Instead, everyone chattered on as usual, talking about their plans for the day. By the time their mother poured the coffee, Carolyn had broken out in a cold sweat and her hand trembled as she lifted the coffee cup to her mouth.

Aggie noticed that, as a mother would, and asked, “Carolyn, are you sick, love? You’re all sweaty and shivering.”

“No, Mom, I’m fine.” Her mother looked at her with arched eyebrows. “Really. I’m fine.”

“You don’t seem fine to me.” Aggie reached over to put her hand on Carolyn’s forehead. But Carolyn pulled away from her touch.

“Now, Aggie,” Paddy said, “she’s probably just suffering from the too much whiskey she had last night. Am I right, Carolyn?”

Peggy choked on the mouthful of coffee she had just sipped, Carolyn’s face turned red, and Helen sat with a smug smirk on her face.

“You could do with some hair of the dog this morning, couldn’t you?” he asked.

“No, Dad. I’m fine.”

His icy blue eyes stared at her over the rim of his coffee cup. “Well then, since you’re so fine, why don’t you tell all of us where you were last night and what kept you out till all hours of the morning and why you felt the need to climb up the fire escape instead of using your key and coming in the front door like any civilized person would do?”

© Eileen Joyce Donovan

 Guest Review by Laura

What do you get when you take three headstrong, independent and highly individual 20-something sisters and put them together in one bedroom? You get 'The Campbell Sisters,' a new historical fiction/romance by author, Eileen Joyce Donovan that asks the question, how far are you willing to go for your sister?

The Campbell Sisters consist of Helen, the oldest, Carolyn, the middle child, and Peggy, the youngest. All three sisters live with their parents in an apartment in New York City and all three are interested in different pursuits. For instance, Helen is working with orphans at a school in Manhattan and Peggy is attending medical school in the hopes of one day becoming a doctor. However, middle child Carolyn remains a bit of a wild card.

The book is set in 1955 and apart from formerly hanging out with prostitutes, Carolyn has now been spotted dating a married man. Of course, Helen is disgusted by her sister's behavior, and, late one night, the two get into an altercation about it that is unfortunately overheard by their parents.

Having to admit to what the fight was about; Carolyn is then kicked out of the apartment by her father and must scour the city for a place to stay while she pulls herself together.

Luckily, despite their fight, Carolyn has the help of both of her sisters and a friend, to find a place to live in a all women’s rental.  She also receives lots of unsolicited advice from her sisters on how to get back into their father’s good graces and perhaps, not have to move after all. But will she take this opportunity to get back in her family's good graces? Only time will tell, and you will have to read the book to find out what exactly happens.

I highly recommend this novel for anyone who loves a good, highly detailed. historical fiction. This is one that you will not regret picking up! I loved it and couldn’t put it down.

Awards and Praise for Eileen Joyce Donovan

2019 Marie M Irvine Award for Promises, 2021 When Word Count competition for A Lady Newspaperman’s Dilemma “This story is well written and immerses the reader in the period rooting for Alex. At times, I found her decisions a bit rash, but I remembered myself fighting for my career in a male-dominated field. The story is well-researched, and I enjoyed it immensely.”- Carol Amorosi, Author of The MacKay Mysteries, Series 

“It was compelling to read of the mores of the time: school teachers couldn't drink in public, staying at a boarding house came with a set of restrictive rules and trying to get lead stories in a newspaper entailed being part salesperson/part private investigator. With the role of newspapers and reporters being in the news of late, this depiction of a young woman learning the ropes in a competitive, male dominated field was fascinating in the scope of how tough it is to get a story right.”- Susan Wands, Author of Magician and Fool 

“I don't normally read historical fiction, but I so enjoyed this book set in the 1920's. The theme is timeless as the main character is determined to make it in a man's world. Great read!”- Stacy Wilder, Author of A Liz Adams Mystery, Series 

“The characters and fast paced plot drew me in and kept me reading. I enjoyed the historical details and the fact that every time I thought I knew how a character would react, I was wrong. The author is too skilled to fall into stereotypes.”- Grammarian, Amazon Review

Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan

Eileen Joyce Donovan has been writing her entire life, in one way or another, whether it was imaginative stories for friends, or advertising copy for clients. At the persistent urging of her husband, she finally agreed to seriously edit and revise one of her stories and take the plunge. Years later, her persistence paid off and both her debut historical fiction, Promises, and her second novel, A Lady Newspaperman’s Dilemma, won prestigious awards. Her short stories have appeared in several anthologies, and her essays have been included in various Chicken Soup for the Soul editions. She lives in Manhattan, New York and is a member of Authors Guild, Women’s National Book Association, Women Fiction Writers Association, and The Historical Novel Society.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/etdonovan1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eileen.donovan.923

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  Campbell Sisters by Eileen Joyce Donovan

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