13 May 2023

The Twenty-One-Year Contract: Sequel to Secrets, Shame, and a Shoebox by L. B. Griffin Book Tour!


About The Twenty-One-Year Contract


The Twenty-One-Year Contract: Sequel to Secrets, Shame, and a Shoebox

Historical Romance 2nd in Series 

Setting - 1950s London 

Wild Rose Press (May 9, 2022) 

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 382 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1509239723

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1509239726 

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09THQKFJS 

Kathleen Gray—talented, a little wild, at times rebellious, but always popular—has a fun, easy life in rural Somerset, with a doting family.

Suddenly, they are gone, everything is changed, and she has only Uncle Jack. Try as he might, he cannot be father and mother to her—he has a business to run and his own life to manage.

Kathleen takes a chance and becomes Kate Westfield, fending for herself in London, with a new life built on her hopes and dreams and new friends. She could hardly have imagined that one of those friends has a shoebox full of answers.

Read an Excerpt 

 ‘Lucy read the letter from Kathleen two weeks after their holiday in Cornwall. It had been tucked very carefully inside a small, zipped pocket in her handbag. At first, Lucy thought it might simply be a thank-you note, but that wasn’t Kathleen’s style. In her bedroom, she sat on her bed and tore the envelope open. 

Dearest Lucy, You are my one true friend. I know you can be trusted with a secret, but I didn’t want to put this burden on you. By now some people may be wondering where I am and asking all kinds of questions. If that is the case, I am really sorry, but you can truthfully say that you knew nothing. Uncle Jack never knew, but over Christmas I overheard him talking to Archie.

 He said it was difficult trying to take care of me and he needed a wife. How can he do that with me hanging around? So I have decided to leave. I have money put aside, I have a lovely flat, and I have secured a job. You see, Lucy, I am not in the least bit unhappy. I am safe and making my own way in the world. I also have secured a P.O. Box. The number is twenty-nine, so you can keep in touch. I will find a way of contacting you. L. B. Griffin 172 All my love, Kathleen xxx Enc. Postage stamps. 

Lucy was already on her feet, pacing her bedroom. Kathleen should be staying over next weekend. Conflicted, Lucy wondered if she should tell her mother. In the end, she decided not to. Kathleen trusted her to keep the secret, and so she would. Three days later, the telephone rang…’

About L. B. Griffin

L.B. Griffin was born and raised in the UK. She is married and came out of retirement when she received a contract for her debut novel. Griffin loves to write stories to touch people's hearts, She draws upon social issues that are often hidden in deep drawers but readers can identify with. Her women don’t see themselves as courageous, strong, or survivors, but they certainly are.

Her debut, Secrets, Shame, and a Shoebox has received superb 5 star reviews, amongst them Whispering stories and VINE VOICE reader/blogger Michelle Ryles, singing high praise: ‘Incredibly well-written, Secrets, Shame, and a Shoebox is a magnificent debut. It's a poignant, disturbing and a heart-warming page-turner that has left me chomping at the bit to continue Harriet's story.’

The sequel, and also standalone - The Twenty-One-Year Contract, is already receiving fantastic five star reviews such as: VINE VOICE "This book will have you laughing, crying and cheering."

L.B. Griffin continues to turn silent stories into courage, hope, and survival. Be warned, she is a self-confessed chocolate-raisin and strawberry addict!

Author Links:

  Purchase Links - Amazon - B&N - Apple - Kobo 


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