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17 October 2023

Out of Sight by Anna Legat Blog Tour!


Out of Sight

On the morning after his thirtieth wedding anniversary, Stewart Harding is found dead. He was an arrogant and thoroughly unpleasant man and there is no shortage of suspects, but all of them have firm alibis. In any case, everything points towards it being an opportunistic killing linked to a robbery.

Newly promoted DI Mark Webber is assigned as the SIO with Gillian Marsh overseeing the investigation. However, when her mother dies, she takes a leave of absence and lets Webber continue on his own.

Webber is making good progress until his colleague – and secret lover – DC Erin Macfadyen disappears without a trace. Webber’s world falls apart.

DCI Marsh cuts her bereavement leave short to take over the investigation into Stewart Harding’s death and to track down her missing officer.

There is no doubt that she will find Harding’s killer, but will she find Erin and are the two cases connected?

Nora didn’t wait to find out what he was planning to do with it. She turned tail and ran out of the room, flinging the door shut in his face.

He threw it back open. He was hot on her heels.

She leapt up the stairs, two at a time, losing her footing just before reaching the landing. He was larger and also heavier than her. He too staggered a couple of times, earning her a few precious seconds. When she tripped, he saw his chance. He scrambled to his feet and threw his weight at her. He missed. She was up and running. Furious, he swung the poker at her. It caught her on the calf. She felt sharp pain, but did not give in to it.

She burst into the bathroom. Slid the bolt across. Slumped on the floor, pressing her back against the door. The latch was made of stainless steel, but it was no match for his wrath and the power with which he kept ramming into the door. Sooner or later it would give.

‘Open the f*cking door! Let me in!’ Each command was followed with another slam at the door which was beginning to ease off its frame. The hinges rattled, screws loosening. Nora’s body jerked with every new assault.

The dogs started barking, joining in with their master.

She bound her hands under her knees. Her fingers felt wetness. She examined them: they were bloodied. Only now did she notice that the blood from her torn calf was dripping onto the bathroom floor tiles. The sight of her own blood scared her, but surprisingly she wasn’t feeling any pain.

She was lucky to have her mobile in her pocket. With her shaking, bloody fingers she scrolled down her contacts and selected speed-dial. She waited. And waited. It wasn’t as speedy as she needed it to be. But this was the middle of the night – some people put their phones on silent at night. She considered hanging up and calling 999.

A click of the phone being picked up at the other end interrupted the ringing tone. She listened no more and shouted, ‘Come now! Please! He’s going to kill me!’

Anna Legat is a Wiltshire-based author, best known for her DI Gillian Marsh murder mysteries. Murder isn't the only thing on her mind. She dabbles in a wide variety of genres, ranging from dark humour, through magic realism to dystopia. 

A globe-trotter and Jack-of-all-trades, Anna has been an attorney, legal adviser, a silver-service waitress, a school teacher and a librarian. She has lived in far-flung places all over the world where she delighted in people-watching and collecting precious life experiences for her stories.

Anna writes, reads, lives and breathes books and can no longer tell the difference between fact and fiction.

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