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07 November 2023

Children of Vampires: Little Reason by Darren DiGiovanni Book Tour and Guest Post! #ChildrenOfVampires @DiGiovanniBooks @SilverDaggerBookTours

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Hide and seek is not played alone.

Children of Vampires:

Little Reason

by Darren DiGiovanni

Genre: Paranormal Horror


Creatures both of night and nightmares, stories told and held apart from reality.

In the minds of man and woman, they carry terrors not to be shared or listed. A sleeping horror no longer slumbers. In the darker corners of less known woods, a house is now visited. A guest, unwanted nor welcomed has comes for more than blood. Eyes will see but only the heart of Simone, a broken child, will pay the price for the sinister games asked. Hide and seek is not played alone.

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5 Author Tour questions

1. Why did you become an author?

The reasons I became an author are never as easy to say. The first and clearest of answers to that question is I never knew a time I wasn't creating a world in my head. The links and reasons for my struggles were all transferred so easily when placed on paper and into characters and villains. The second formative idea for writing and freeing the author in me, were the feelings it gave to me to live in my mind in these fantastical worlds. 

Before the first of the full stories made it to paper, pencil drawings were there for me.  The places I made in my head would find ways out in my art and paintings. Later, sculpture would become the art of the moment, but the written word was always a place I knew I wanted to be. Never better, as a person with HDHD and Dyslexia I struggle every day. The results of each of my stories needed guiderails, ones that I think I have now more than any other time in my youth.

In the end the reason I became an author, a writer of stories, is because I need to be. It has been something I was headed toward for my entire life.

2. What was the inspiration behind Children of Vampires?

My first book "The Dark Tiempo' was that step into the written story. This said, 'Children of Vampires’ was my attempt to form a more visceral connection to the story. A coherent story line, it links a process that is not clear at first read. The life of the book will build over its reach and breath. The story and books to come will not slow nor fail to expose or be held back. 

The book 'Children of Vampires’ has moved through a world of evolution. The changes and built details make it only a beginning to a twisted world I imagined years ago. This piece of art, yes art, though feeling little different then when I painted or pushed pencil is worlds apart. There has always been an underlining creativity that needed this outlet and in ‘Children of Vampires’, I found it. 

The influences of any and all parts of this tail, have changed since first written. Far more in-depth as well complex, the book is more than simply the outline of a horror story. When you believe it has one meaning, there are others that are not to be discovered till later. 

This book, although a darker story, it has implications of struggles and hurts that needed to be written. The inspiration has always been shadows and the things lurking in dark closets. Whether that beast, is man or our own imperfections, they’re there all the same.

3. Where do you want to be in five years?

Where I want to be in five years is as difficult to say as where I am today. To start to answer that thought-puzzle, I need to know where my needs and emotions can find home. Success in reaching readers is as simple a start to say. Some larger understanding, that those who read my stuff know they are never alone, is success. 

Starting with the idea of reaching readers, in five years I will have all three books of the ‘Children of Vampires’ out and hope they are met with a loving audience. Mixed in that expanse of time, I would also hope to have released the beginning of another story series I swim in, 'Surresa V'. A story line as mixed and twisted as the other series, but this narrative in its depth finds more connection with love and loss.

Within some timed markers, like five years or even less, some collections of my written art might mix with other loves of mine. Might my sculptures of stone and wood, also find links to interested minds. Their simpler expressions of the stories they have hidden behind them precariously linked.

4. What advice do you have for other authors just starting or people that want to write but haven’t yet?

The boarders between published author and just the love of writing are blurry ones. To the thought of ones that want to write and simply hasn't, two things.

Firstly, the beginning is not in the ending, it is in the journey to it. The story should be one you are exposed to, connected to by some unseen thread you need to know more about. Writing for me is a process I learn to flow with and not fight against. A writer is not measured by publication or accolades, it is the need inside that you work on.

The second piece of advice to a new writer is the same as one who paints. You need to push the paintbrush, pen, pencil, even keyboard to find it. You must never be without paper to release your thoughts. At the very least, have some way to memorialize that which your brain has gifted you. Whether the written words are good, bad, or meaningless, let them be made.

Simply put to a single sentence, ‘you need to write and always be writing whether there is anyone to read it or not.’ 

5. What has been the hardest thing you have had to overcome in this process of writing and publishing so far.

Not the hardest, but finding an editor that knows, this art, is not just a collection of misspelling and grammar 'f' ups. The process is an endless one. It’s hard to continue when your own brain fights you, but a simple voice of another can just as easily derail you on the path of telling a story.

A written voice needs guidance and a word of help. A difficult part in all this process that needs to be overcome is trusting others to be genuine. The fear inside is already there and to spend so much time and money on things that writers know little about is heartbreaking.

Years might pass and the idea of what is to come is a heavy weight to push through every day. Doubting your own abilities, you must still convince yourself on continuing. It is a harder beast to defeat than any creature you might write about. 

Publishing any of my stories is a decision not taken lightly. When money is the only indicator of success and progress, any writer worth hearing from, can be dangerously made small in that machinery. I wish only the opportunity to be seen. To have an audience that might take a chance if for no other reason than my, Darren DiGiovanni’s written art was interesting.

Meet Darren DiGiovanni. He's a dedicated husband, father, artist, and traveler. Prepare to be captivated by his soulful tales, painted with shades of darkness and wonder. Each tale mirrors life's chapters, transformed into haunting landscapes where characters brimming with genuine feelings reside.

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