12 December 2023

The Redemption of Mattie Silks by Kimberly Burns Blog Tour! @cathiedunn @kimberlyburnsauthor @thecoffeepotbookclub


Book Title: The Redemption of Mattie Silks

Series: n/a

Author: Kimberly Burns

Publication Date: October 25, 2023

Publisher: Thomas Bard Publishing

Page Length: 315

Genre: Historical Fiction



In 1892, running one of the West’s fanciest brothels is a rough game. In a town filled with brazen criminals, corrupt police, zealous politicians, and morality committees, Madam Mattie Silks makes her fortune catering to Colorado’s gold and silver millionaires.

Notorious crime boss “Soapy” Smith is at the top of the Denver underworld. There are no rules for Smith’s gang. They solve problems with bribes and bullets. When Mattie’s husband stumbles into Soapy’s dealings, she struggles to protect him.

Gold is discovered in the Yukon and Mattie seizes the opportunity for adventure and profit. But Skagway, Alaska, is even more lawless than Denver. Mattie must use all her business sense and street smarts to safeguard those she cares about. Will it be enough? Or will Lady Justice again turn a blind eye?

Based on a true story, The Redemption of Mattie Silks is an action-packed tale of a woman succeeding in a man’s world even when the cards are stacked against her.

“The research on the era shines through, as do the grit and spirit of the characters. …A colorful and enthralling journey.” 

~ K.T. Blakemore, award-winning author of The Good Time Girls series

“A nice, nuanced portrait of the complex underworld with fine and witty turns of phrase. A great Western romp!” 

~ Randi Samuelson-Brown, award-winning author of The Bad Old Days series

This title is available to read with #KindleUnlimited

Universal Link: https://books2read.com/u/mlpKRv 

Kimberly Burns grew up in Colorado hearing stories about the colourful characters of the Old West. She has degrees from the University of Colorado and the University of Hartford. Kimberly is a member of the Historical Novel Society, Western Writers of America, and Women Writing the West. She lives with her husband and black Lab in Leesburg, Virginia.

Her debut novel The Mrs. Tabor won numerous awards including the Western Fictioneers Peacemaker Award for Best New Novel, a gold medal for Best Regional Fiction from the Independent Publisher Book Awards, a National Indie Excellence Award, and a silver medal from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association EVVY Awards.

Kimberly and her unruly heroines make for an entertaining book talk. She is available to discuss her novels with book groups in person or online. Email her at info@kimberlyburnsauthor.com.





Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimberlyburnsauthor/ 

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kimberly-Burns/author/B09G4S8N2L 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21851914.Kimberly_Burns 

 #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalWomensFiction #WestwardExpansion #BlogTour #CoffeePotBookClub


When Suzanne earned her teacher’s certificate, she never imagined she would one day instruct young prostitutes on the business of sex. “I’m going to show you how to prepare your lay. As they say, time is money. You can’t spend too much time with a single customer, maybe twenty minutes. You’ll see five or six customers on a good night.”

She didn’t miss the look that passed between the two new girls. “I know that sounds like a lot, but working in a nice house like this is better than hustling on the street. At a dollar or less a lay, saloon whores have to see a dozen men or more to pay for their room and give the bar owner his cut.”

The new girls were still taking this in when the experienced woman continued. “Evenings start in the parlors. Think of it like entertaining a guest in your home. We make conversation, maybe a little singing or dancing. When it is time to get down to business, you slip upstairs. Our maid, Jane, or one of us will help you get out of your dress, untie your corset, and get into your nightgown. Don’t let a man take your clothes off. They just break buttons and corset stays with their big old clumsy paws.” She sighed in sorrowful memory of a beautiful dress ruined by an overeager customer. 

The best advice remained unsaid because Suzanne did not know how to instruct the girls that during the act they should unhitch themselves from their bodies, close their eyes, and let their minds run free. How should she train someone that upon hearing a shuddering groan of satisfaction to—like a mare called to the barn—come back, clean up, and get ready for the next rider? Suzanne guessed all women figured it out on their own, as she had done. She would just explain the basic details of sporting life.

“Some men want to watch you take your clothes off. For them, you can make a little show of dropping your nightie, untying your garters, and rolling down your stockings. The more they like it, the easier the rest of your job will be. The most important thing to avoid is getting pregnant or burned.”

“Burned?” asked Violet.

“Not with fire. It means you caught something from a customer,” Suzanne explained. “Come into my room and I will show you how we get the customers ready.”

The neophytes followed Suzanne to the second floor. On each door was a small brass nameplate shaped like a bird. The outstretched wings held a card with a woman’s name neatly written. Suzanne pointed to the nameplate bearing her name. “The men pay Mattie first, then she sends them upstairs. This is so your gentleman caller will know which room is yours.” 

Lace curtains and pretty wallpaper featuring large yellow roses made the room light and inviting. However, the new girls couldn’t take their eyes off the gilded iron bed with a cut velvet spread that dominated the center of the room. Beside it sat the nightstand with the lockbox tucked inside. Another small brass bell stood like a silent sentinel. Several bottles, a couple of jars, a wash basin, a pile of washcloths, and a small cucumber sat atop the dresser. 

Suzanne picked up two jars. “Strictly speaking contraceptives are against the law, but strictly speaking so is everything we do here. Mattie has gentleman’s rubber caps for sale, but no one ever uses them. One of the better ways to prevent pregnancy is to mix Vaseline with four or five grams of salicylic acid, like so. Some gals use it with a ladies’ cap.”

“I don’t know what that is,” murmured Liz. Her cheeks bloomed scarlet.

Suzanne opened the nightstand drawer and took out a small sea sponge covered in netting and tied to a silk cord. “I ordered this one from the Sears catalog. Mattie can get you one made of beeswax or whalebone from the doctor.”

Liz frowned at the little puff in Suzanne’s palm. “You put it inside you,” Suzanne explained. 

She cleared her throat and continued, holding up a brown bottle labeled Listerine. “This is the handiest stuff in town. It’s an antiseptic and it has salicylic acid. In between every lay, douche with this or carbolic acid. Both will prevent the clap.”

“We’ll have customers with the clap?” squeaked Violet, the horror written on her face as plain as a story printed in the newspaper.

“Honey, half the men in Denver have the clap” Suzanne laughed. “But don’t ever screw someone you think is infected. The very first thing you do when a lay comes into your room is take a clean washcloth, dip it in the Listerine and hot water, and clean his organ. Let me show you.” Suzanne picked up the cucumber and a washcloth. She wrapped her thumb and forefinger around the vegetable. With several twists of her wrist, she wrung the cloth around and down the length of it. 

“Look for sores and then give it a gentle squeeze. If you see yellow or green ooze tell him as politely as possible that you can’t serve him until he sees a doctor. If he gives you a hard time, ring the bell and call Harlen.” 

Liz stared with wide eyes and an open mouth. Violet slowly shook her head, and said, “I’ll never eat another pickle as long as I live.”

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  1. Thank you so much for hosting Kimberly Burns.

    Take care,
    Cathie xo
    The Coffee Pot Book Club


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