
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

29 September 2024

Doris Flies Solo by M W Arnold Blog Tour!

 Doris Flies Solo

Air Transport Auxiliary pilot Doris Johnson is sent on a solo trip, escorting a British General on a secret mission to Scotland, vital to the success of D-Day, the forthcoming invasion of Nazi occupied France.

Her natural inquisitiveness means her life is in put in great danger and she'll need more than her superb flying skills to survive.

Doris has to trust her own instincts, and those of the new friends she makes, so that everyone comes through their adventures in one piece. Not everything is as it seems, sometimes by design, as she faces whatever is thrown at her with a determined smile and the spirit to stand fast for what is good and right.

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Mick is a hopeless romantic who was born in England and spent fifteen years roaming around the world in the pay of the late HM Queen Elisabeth II in the Royal Air Force, before putting down roots and realising how much he missed the travel. 

This, he’s replaced somewhat with his writing, including reviewing books and supporting fellow saga and romance authors in promoting their novels.

He’s the proud keeper of two Romanian Were-Cats bent on world domination, is mad on the music of the Beach Boys, and enjoys the theatre and humouring his Manchester United-supporting wife.

 (Please don't mention this last to her!)





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