26 October 2024

Her Warrior’s Surprise Return by Ella Matthews Book Birthday Blitz!



Ruaidhri has returned to Ireland for the first time in

eight years. His heart was broken when his adopted

family rejected him and his heart broke when his love,

Sorcha, appeared to turn her back on him. In this

extract, they are meeting for the first time since then. 

Extract from Her Warrior’s Surprise Return 

Ruaidhri’s heart stopped as the world around him

stilled, everything centring on this moment, before

speeding up, racing uncomfortably fast as if it were

trying to leap out of his chest. He held still, hoping

Sorcha would not see the pounding pulse in his neck.

Deep brown eyes glared out at him from a face he

knew better than his own. A face he’d once thought

he’d spend the rest of his life gazing at, that belonged

to a woman who had rejected him in such a brutal way

she had destroyed the softness within him and left him

the hard shell of a man he was today. 

Blood thundered in his ears as he clenched his fists to

stop himself from reaching out, to hug her or shake her,

he wasn’t sure. Shake, he promised himself. There was

no way he was foolish enough to want to hold her again.

The feelings running through him were based on anger

and rage and not some deep-seated longing. 

Bark bit into his side and he realised he was leaning

heavily on the tree, the muscles of his legs not holding

him up. He scowled; her presence should not cause this

reaction in him, not rob him of his ability to act like the

man he had become, a fearless warrior who bowed to

no one. 

He pushed himself upright slowly, lazily, as if he had all

the time in the world. He would rather die than let

Sorcha know just how much impact seeing her was

having on his body. He adopted a half-smile, feigning

amusement he didn’t feel. ‘You know how to make a man


Her Warrior’s Surprise Return

It’s been years since Ruaidhri abandoned Sorcha, and she’s no longer the woman she once was. Now leader of the Suibhne clan, she must unite her people against invading forces. When rumours of Ruaidhri’s return to Ireland prove true, she’s unsettled at seeing him again. He offers to help her, but his past betrayal still burns—even if desire is as strong as ever. Should Sorcha trust her head…or her heart?

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Ella Matthews writes sweeping historical novels with a dash of danger, steamy scenes and full of romantic heart. She writes for Mills & Boon / Harlequin but is also planning some self-published novels, so watch this space for those.

She writes in beautiful South Wales, where you can’t go for a walk without tripping over the remains of a castle. She lives with her husband, who’s very technical and who’s set up her website but still doesn’t seem to know how to use a washing machine, her two children and an exceptionally timid rescue guinea pig. When she’s not writing, she’s working with teenagers on their literacy skills (she’s discovered there’s nothing a thirteen year old loves more than discussing commas!). 

She loves to hear from her readers, so please get in touch – ella@ella-matthews.com




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