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16 October 2024

The Next Step by B R Maycock Blog Tour! @BRMaycock @brmaycock


The Next Step

Christmas has been all but forgotten as a negative pregnancy test makes Rachel reconsider her future with Todd. The realisation sends her to the small town of Abbeyglen where the opening of Caulfield’s Café is all anyone’s talking about.

 But it also has her beginning to see returning colleague at Blackwater Financial Services, the loud, hilarious Owen Larrson in a new light.Natalie has decided she needs a change. In the midst of Christmas craziness, with the grand opening of the café and the excitement of her two children’s Christmas concert, Natalie can only hope the people of Blackwater Financial Services can help her find the job that will change her life. 

But as ex-boyfriend Darren returns, she realises luck might not be on her side for a bright Christmas after all …Join two women who are trying to figure out what the rest of their lives hold, in the midst of the mayhem of the most wonderful time of the year in the most wonderful place to be!

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Well, without much ado, here is Rachel’s first night in Abbeyglen, in The Abbeyglen Arms, where she’s about to get a phone call from a very welcome caller! Enjoy!

The Next Step

‘Your phone’s ringing. And I’m Kenneth by the way, that’s Mary over there, she’s my wife. Welcome to Abbeyglen and if I don’t talk to you I hope you find a nice new house.’

Rachel nodded at him and smiled, mouthing ‘thank you’ and giving him a thumbs-up as she took the call. ‘Hello?’

‘I thought I’d call and see how you were getting on in Abbeyglen. How’s the unpacking going?’

Rachel couldn’t help looking at the phone. ‘Owen? Owen Larrson?’

‘Yes, Rachel, it is me. Owen. Owen Larrson. I have John and Keith here too. We’re having a game of cards because neither of the girls wanted them in Abbeyglen to spoil things the night before such a big day. I’m surprised you got in when you did.’

Rachel was relieved for the lead in. She really needed to vent to someone. ‘Actually yes, I’ve gotten the impression it is really bad timing. Bex has hinted a few times and I think I’ve made a big mistake but I had nowhere else to stay.’

‘Of course not, I only offered ten times,’ she heard John say in the background. The giggle that spurted out of her was such a release and she took a sip of her drink and sat back.

‘Tell John I’m sorry,’ she half shouted and she realised the group of old men in the corner were looking over. Oops, yes, definitely the same crowd from last time! Nobody at the bar was even paying attention however.

She downed some more. ‘I’m in the local pub in Abbeyglen drinking on my own. My family aren’t even taking my calls. I should have thought I could call you.’

‘Oh thanks, the only loser you know who’d have no plans?’

‘Not a loser. And I never had plans when I was with Todd, we just sat in and I did my ironing while we watched The Late Late.’

‘No way,’ Owen said so softly she almost didn’t hear him. The depth of his voice sent a bit of a shiver and she warned her body to stop. It was probably more drink related anyway, how was she finished that already? She gestured to Kenneth to get her another with a big, mouthed ‘thank you’ and a thumbs-up and he nodded.

‘Yes, I know, it’s really sad.’

‘It’s not sad, I used to do all of my ironing on a Friday night too, and generally watching The Late Late Show.’

‘Owen Larrson, you do not iron.’

‘Of course I do. Do you not think I look like I do? My ex-girlfriend hated it, she realised I wasn’t as ‘throw caution to the wind’ as she thought I was. Definitely not as throw caution to the wind as she was.’

He sounded grumpy. It was obviously still fresh for him. The fact that he was bitter about the relationship was a pity. Hold on. Why, why was it a pity?

‘Anyway. It’s a shame you weren’t in Dublin, we’d have invited you over too.’ He sounded wistful. Or maybe she was imagining it.

‘I’m having more fun talking to you then I’ve had in hours. I’m kind of wishing I was in Dublin too.’

She definitely was. In fact she was beginning to worry. She was always one to plan and it was beginning to look like she had no back-up. What happened if Bex really didn’t want her here? What if Holly was just being polite?

‘Don’t worry, you’ll be back having pillow fights in lingerie in no time,’ he said, obviously sensing the mood had dropped.

‘I hope so, I mean…’ she stopped and savoured the guffaw, that fantastic Owen Larrson guffaw. ‘You’re funny, Owen Larrson.’

‘You should hear some of my proper punny jokes,’ he said. ‘You know I think I might have used a lot of my charm before, although I don’t know if I have enough for the new Rachel.’

‘The new Rachel?’

‘Well it’s been a while, who knows if the two of us would even gel anymore?’

She felt her heart began to speed up. ‘I think we could gel,’ she said, before she could stop herself.

‘I think we could too.’

There was silence that went on just the sweetest moment too long and Rachel found herself holding her breath, wondering what he’d say next.

‘But anyway, back to Abbeyglen. Tell me about the apartment. And what’s that playing in the background? Oh, is it Cliff Richard? Now I really wish I was there! Hold on, I’m going to go outside,’ he said, to multiple jibes and boos.

She was going to tell him not to bother but instead she paid for her drink and, smiling, went over to a booth to get comfortable.

B R Maycock is the author of laugh out loud romantic comedies. She lives in the midlands in Ireland with her four little men, kooky husband, dog Eddie and cat Shadow!










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