21 November 2024

Wicked Wish Darkest Wishes Series – Book 1 By Alex Gordon Book Tour!


 YA/NA Paranormal Romance, Coming of Age, Love Triangle


 Wild Rose Press

Publication Date

 July 5, 2023

When 18-year-old Regan accidentally kills her father, she discovers some startling truths.

First, she has the power of mind control.

Second, she must use it for evil or else suffer one of two fates: insanity or death. Her solution is
vigilante justice.

To atone for her sins, she vows to protect her classmates from The Three Musketcheers, a vicious
gang of cheerleaders who use lies, brute force, and blackmail as weapons in their quest to
dominate the school.

Unfortunately, every time Regan uses her gift, it develops a persona of its own—one she has
trouble controlling—leaving her to question whether she can save them without destroying

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I found a spot in the back corner of the room and hunkered down with crossed arms. I’d made it through my first day unscathed. Then in walked the dark-haired pretty boy, who, for some reason, didn’t seem to like me. Which was fine with me. He pulled a plastic bag out of the pocket of his unbuttoned, gray and black flannel shirt and tossed it on Mr. Clark’s desk. He smiled and said something in a deep, quiet voice, but I didn’t catch it. 

The teacher’s worn face lit up. Pretty boy stopped and surveyed all the empty spaces. He inhaled, his nostrils flaring, and exhaled for a long time before he strolled nonchalantly over to me. He swung the plastic chair around, its metal legs grating the floor, then straddled it. He stared at my profile, his gaze traveling slowly over me. It was as if I could physically feel his eyes caress my skin.

 The desire to reach up and brush the foreign feeling from my cheeks was strong. Instead, I concentrated on the paintings hanging above Mr. Clark’s desk. Abstracts. My favorite. I liked the way they invoked emotion without telling what it should be. 

After a full minute of this discomfort, I tilted my head toward him and said, “What?” The overpowering lights matted his bronze skin, but it wasn’t unflattering. He looked like he’d been carved from stone. His eyelashes were so thick and dark I couldn’t tell if he was wearing eyeliner to go with his black nail polish or not. Tiny silver hoop earrings hung from both his earlobes. His silence made me twitchy.

 I turned my chair so it was facing him. I crossed my legs and folded my hands on my lap, mimicking my previous therapist. “And Johnny? What do you think about this new girl? The one that seems to irritate you?” I blinked my long eyelashes rapidly. He fiddled with a polished arrowhead that hung from a braided leather rope around his neck. “It’s Jude actually,” he said in a deep, smoky voice.

 I already knew that having had four classes out of seven with him. All advanced placement classes and art. Jude’s eyes were so black that, even in this bright light, I couldn’t differentiate his pupils from his irises. He swiveled his head, trying to see what was behind me, which was weird because the only thing there was a wall. “And I think there’s something wrong with the new girl.”

About the Author:

Alex Gordon is a bit of a wanderer, having lived in Washington, Montana, Germany, Alaska, and Tennessee where she currently resides with her husband and two rescued German Shepherds. When not writing, you can probably find her hiking, or if she's lucky--fishing, though she's not opposed to camping out on the couch with dessert and bingeing murder mysteries.

Contact Links

Website: https://www.alexgordonauthor.com/

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First Giveaway

One Paperback Copy of Wicked Wish to One Lucky Winner

Open to US Only

Second Giveaway

One eBook Copy of Wicked Wish to One Lucky Winner

Open Internationally

Hosted By:

Quill and Ink Book Tours






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