13 December 2024

Dark Maiden by Ian Conner Book Tour! #DarkMaiden #IanConner @SilverDaggerBookTours

Dark Maiden has taken a Native American legend and created the most intense story of ghosts and horror and things that go bump in the night.

Dark Maiden

by Ian Conner


 Historical Dark Fantasy

Haunting and horrifying, the tale keeps readers engaged all the way to the shocking end. Intertwined with Native American lore Dark Maiden weaves a seducing chilling tale.

 Dark Maiden grabs you at the first page the story sets us up in 16th century Maine, Onata Village. Conner gave readers a tale of a beautiful bewitching Maiden seen by the lake by four sisters under the moonlight.

 Dark Maiden takes you from past to present to past to tell this horrifying curse tale. Readers need to pay attention during the time transitions, but readers will be engrossed with fantastic writing you cannot put down.

Dark Maiden has taken a Native American legend and created the most intense story of ghosts and horror and things that go bump in the night.

Although a somber tone permeates the book, there is a recurring theme of loyalty and resilience. Each character exhibits self-determination, fortitude, and resourcefulness until the conclusion. You grow to love each person as if you belong to the fight against evil forces. Full of surprises and character growth readers will love the tale. 

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The Inspiration Behind the Books 

Ian's inspiration for Dark Maiden comes from a Native American legend. 

Among the Wabanaki,this blight occurs when an evil sorcerer refuses to stay dead.

Descendants of the Wabanaki still survive in Maine, which was one of the reasons why I set the story in the locale of Nollesemic. I felt the characters were solid enough to appeal to a large swath of readers without offending anyone. LGBTQ characters fill in the modern twists that would not have been accepted even a few years ago.

Similarly, my vampire novel Cardinals is a new take on the Stoker legend with a large dose of actual historical events. Fictional additions and twists on biblical and historical occurrences, keep the story interesting, the reader engaged. I have always been a fan of the 70's vampire films and wrote Cardinals with that in mind.

I can totally see Ingrid Pitt as Asherah. I have taken a bit of guff over casting a scandalous shadow over the catholic church, but they have given me plenty of ammunition. The faith fills in a good part of the story and fanaticism at both ends of the spectrum also gave me much to work with. 

I love casting women in strong roles and minimizing the male influence. Sadly, reality has not caught up with that idea. Amy Radigan, Lilly Pham, Kellena Donnachaid, Cassie Wells, all epitomize women I have known and respect.

After being medically retired from the military in 2010, writing became a new identity for me. I take my time writing. The Long Game, for instance, took 3 years to write.

Pulling from current events as I went along. Relations with China are now tenser than ever and the conflict in the south China sea is actually occurring almost following the theme of my story. I consider my readers intelligent enough to follow the multiple plot lines.

I tend to keep the thrillers within the realm of possibility. Sometimes it might be a reach but nothing I write is impossible. Headlines are a big help. The saying is "You couldn't write this stuff". Well actually I can!

The political thriller is cathardic to write. Solaris is coming out in December, complicated story lines will keep the readers guessing.  Horror is a fun genre for me and I have two ideas on paper that need filled out. I have dabbled with Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Cooper's Ridge was another labor of love and quite fun to write. I love space travel, aliens and first contact.  Throw in some dystopian end of the world themes with a huge dose of multiple conspiracies and walah you have a novel.

I am a huge Star Trek fan. I love Roddenberry's approach to everyday issues with technological spins. Solving the barriers to space travel with reverse engineering seemed obvious enough to me. The genius teenager as the underdog with a cadre of friends to help fight the faceless government what can go wrong.

Ian Conner is retired and spent most of his adult life as a Marine and Army Infantry Sergeant. A hundred percent disabled veteran after multiple head and other injuries, he is part of a growing number of vets classified as “neuro-diverse”, an MST survivor and have several issues such regarding comprehension, concentration, and vision issues that he has OVERCOME to write several novels. After witnessing a lifetime of destruction, the thought of creating something tangible and lasting holds great appeal.

He finds writing a cathartic way to redefine himself both in his eyes and in the eyes of others. Writing for fun, Ian has completed seven novels with an eighth near done with two more ideas in the scribble/chapter phase. He has written across four genres Fantasy, Thriller, Science Fiction and Horror.

He uses ProWritingAid, Beta Readers and professional editors keep the product readable, he has recently began querying in search of a professional agent and publisher.

Now living near San Diego California with his wife Bonnie, a cellist, and their two dogs, Cookie and Isabella. Conner spends his days fostering kittens, gardening, crafting beautiful stained glass and creating worlds on the page.

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