
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

28 July 2014

Do You Like Zombie Stories??? Then check this out! Time of Death Induction by Shana Festa!

When no one or nowhere is safe, where do you go to escape the monsters?

In a few short days, 37 year old Emma Rossi’s hard work will finally pay off. She will don her cap and gown and graduate with a degree in nursing, but not before she loses her first patient and is confronted with a new reality. In Cape Coral, Florida, a storm approaches. The dead are coming back to life.

And they’re hungry.

Infection ravages the Eastern Seaboard with alarming speed while attempts to contain the spread of infection fail. Within days, a small pocket of panicked survivors are all that remain of civilization. Fighting to survive the zombie apocalypse alongside her husband Jake and their dog Daphne, Emma comes face-to-face with her worst nightmare.

Relying on snarky wit and sheer determination, she is forced to commit atrocious acts to protect her family and avoid joining the ranks of the undead.

  Time of Death: Induction, Available now!

About this author

Shana Festa was born in Lincoln, Nebraska on October 17, 1976 and grew up in Northboro, Massachusetts. She currently lives in Cape Coral, Florida with her husband and two dogs, Daphne & Casey.

Shana is a registered nurse with clinical experience in mental health, geriatrics, HIV and substance abuse. In addition to her clinical background, Shana possesses over 15 years of experience with project management and data analytics.

She has been heavily involved in the collection and dissemination of the ICD-10 clinical and coding analytics across multiple projects including the NCHICA ICD-10 Pilot, the HIMSS WEDI ICD-10 Pilot and commercial testing programs.

Under her alter ego, The Bookie Monster, Shana reviews horror and paranormal books, with an emphasis on (but not limited to) zombie fiction. With a background in Psych Nursing, Shay brings her unique perspective to the online reading community.

Introducing her own zompoc story to the genre, Shana’s debut novel, Time of Death, is the first in a planned trilogy and is scheduled was released May, 2014.

Chapter 05: Buried Treasure

“In the midst of what is surely the worst storm Floridians have seen all year, we are getting reports of extreme violence throughout the community. Law enforcement officials recommend all non-essential personnel remain in their homes until what they are calling ‘civil disobedience’ has been contained. We have received news that St. Vincent’s hospital has been overrun with crazed citizens. Reports state that there has been an outbreak of what medical professionals have determined is a form of the rabies virus. Highly contagious through transmission of saliva and blood, this pathogen has a 100% infection rate and is believed to have originated from a female patient at St. Vincent’s Hospital. The hospital has been placed under quarantine and we have been asked to direct anyone exhibiting symptoms of the infection to St. Mary’s Hospital on Metro Parkway in Fort Myers.
“We have received reports of similar activity from hospitals along the east coast, reaching as far north as Delaware.
“Early warning signs include fever, lethargy, and respiratory distress following contact with an infected individual. Those in the late stages of infection exhibit tonic-clonic seizures, and a catatonic state, followed by severe violent episodes after waking. Folks, I realize this is going to sound crazy, but I have been instructed to tell you that these infected individuals are biting, and subsequently eating, victims. This is not a hoax. Once bitten, victims will become ill, and the infection will consume them within a matter of hours. If you come into contact with someone infected, make all attempts to isolate yourself and contact the authorities.”


We sat in stunned silence for minutes until Jake broke it. “Um…did he just tell us there is a zombie outbreak going on?” He stared at me and I watched his face go through a litany of emotions from shock to disbelief.
“I think so,” I replied, unsure even as I spoke the words. “This is a joke, right?” Daphne had moved to the front door and began sniffing at the bottom corner. She backed away growling as a loud bang on the front door jolted us off the sofa and began barking wildly. “Jake,” I whispered. “I’m scared.”
I snatched Daphne into my arms and continued to back away from the door. My heart was pounding in my chest. The fear gripped me and I suddenly found it difficult to breathe. Over the years, Jake had played tricks on me and joked about my irrational fear of zombies. Was this it? Had my worst nightmare come to fruition? I remember hearing the news last year when a guy in Miami got hopped up on bath salts and ate some other guy’s face. Was this a street drug gone bad?
It was then that we heard it. Above the droning of the wind and rain and the banging on the door, we heard a siren growing louder until it became so loud we were certain that it was nearby. The siren and the banging stopped all at once, and I beat Jake to the peephole in the door. A cruiser had pulled onto the front lawn, its door stood open, and a uniformed officer was standing in front of the car. He was shouting at something I couldn’t see through the tiny hole and raised his gun.
“What is it?” Jake asked me.
“It’s a cop. I think there’s someone out there with him. He’s got his weapon pointed at something or someone and he’s yelling at them. I can’t make out what he’s saying.”
Jake nudged me out of the way to get a glimpse at the events outside. “This is ridiculous, I can’t see anything. I’m going out there.”
I grabbed for him before he could unlock the dead bolt. “Don’t you dare open that door,” I snapped at him. An overpowering feeling of fear and anxiety came over me and I felt myself start to panic. My voice increased to an octave so shrill that I sounded like I’d been sucking helium. “Someone is pointing a gun at us. Why would you give him an easy target? Don’t be an idiot.”
“Because,” Jake said, “I want to know what the hell is going on. This is still my house and I want to know why he’s pointing a gun at it.” Jake yanked open the front door, the wind picking up the momentum and slamming it against the wall as it opened outward. The opening granted us a full view of the lawn, the cop, and the man approaching him. Daphne was squirming under my arm, growling with a ferocity I’d never seen.
“Stop right there, or I’ll shoot!” yelled the officer. For a minute, I thought he was talking to us. We both froze. But the man walking towards him kept moving, and I realized the gun was trained on him. The officer was visibly shaking. I could see the panic in his eyes all the way across the lawn.
I squeezed past Jake to get a better view of the scene. I hadn’t noticed while looking through the peep-hole, but there were chunks of something stuck in the cars radiator. I realized it was hair and flesh. The rain caused blood to trail down the grill and end in a pink puddle on the lawn. I let loose a gasp of horror, my hand flying up to cover my mouth and muffle the sound while my eyes strained to take in the detail.
The man was still walking toward the cop. Not really walking, but sort of shuffled along like he was a baby taking his first steps. His arms outstretched, he shambled closer. His back was to Jake and I and his white polo shirt and jeans were smeared in mud. The gunshot snapped me out of my shock and I screamed. The man stumbled back but regained his balance and kept going. Three more shots rang out in succession and the man’s head snapped back as he went limp and fell onto the muddy lawn.
The officer lowered his gun, hand trembling, and walked closer to the man lying dead in our yard. He stared down at the body, emotion unreadable, as Jake and I crept closer.
The body lay still, creating a barrier between us and the cop. The top of his head was a mess of bone and shredded brain matter. The eyes, forever open, were clouded white, pupils radiating out with red spider-like blood vessels, and the skin surrounding them was nearly black and sunken. His skin was taut and mottled with death. His torso though, that was where I saw the real carnage.
The man’s shirt had been torn nearly the entire length of its flimsy cotton, together only at the neck band, and was saturated with blood. His chest cavity had been ravaged and was empty of what one would consider vital organs. Flesh was flayed from bone and left his ribs exposed.
I backed away, feeling sick to my stomach, and couldn’t hold back the vomit. I threw up until I was kneeling on the grass dry heaving stomach acid, one hand pushed into the wet earth to hold me up and the other clutching the dog.
Jake and the cop stood motionless, staring down in disbelief at what had once been a man. “What is going on?” Jake asked the cop.
Officer Donnelly, according to the name badge located over his left breast pocket, pulled himself together and said, “You need to get somewhere safe. The main parts of town have been overrun with…whatever this is.” He waved his gun hand in the direction of the dead body. “Stay inside, lock your doors and do not open them for anyone. And if you can’t stay hidden, if they get in, get in your car and drive.”
“Where? If town isn’t safe, where can we go?” I was shaking all over as Jake helped me to my feet, and my words came out as a stutter.
The cop looked up at me sullenly. “I don’t know.”
He walked back towards his car and was about to say something when we heard the sound of a blood-curdling scream coming from down the street. We all whipped around to face the noise and scanned the neighborhood. The screams continued for a few seconds, then nothing. I squinted to see in the distance and could make out a group of three people huddled on the ground in front of a house at the end of the street. I wiped the rain from my eyes and squinted as the scene came into focus. They were eating someone. Possibly someone we knew. They ripped at their victim like they were digging for buried treasure.
A scream escaped me as I raised my hands to cover my mouth. One of the huddled group snapped its head in the air, cocked it to one side and listened. It angled its neck back, and lifted its nose in the air. A short scream sounded further down the street and the head snapped to the left like a bird seeking prey. The zombie lumbered awkwardly to its feet, and began moving in the direction of the new noise.
The radio squawked from the police car, pulling us all from our rubbernecking trance, and I turned back to Officer Donnelly.
“Watch out!” I screamed.
Four figures had crested the embankment behind him. They were close enough to him that they would be on him in seconds. The first-a female-looked as if she had lost a battle with a wild animal. Wearing nothing but what once had been a pink negligee; her lower jaw had been torn right from her face. Blood dripped down her neck, staining the negligee, and her tongue, now black, was matted to the side of her neck. She emitted a dry rasping moan as she reached for him. He managed to get one shot off, taking her down, before the other three were on him.
He turned, only to land on the hood of his car and plead for help as he attempted to scratch his way over the hood to safety. His grip on the gun failed. It fell to the hood like a brick and slid off the front of the car into the mud. One of the monsters managed to get hold of his kicking legs and dragged him back. Officer Donnelly let out a howl of pain as its teeth sunk into the meaty skin of his calf. I saw his eyes then, staring straight into mine. Begging with an unspoken appeal to for help. Nails digging into the paint of the hood, he disappeared from view as they yanked him off the hood and began to feast.
I stumbled back and nearly fell over Jake as I backed away from the grisly scene. My head moved side to side like a yo-yo and I heard the splash of feet in a puddle to my right. Coming around the house was another one; it was leaning on the house as it walked towards me. One of its arms had been torn off at the elbow and its face was so mangled that I couldn’t decipher gender.
I grabbed Jake’s arm and ran to the front door. Slamming it hard and locking the dead bolt, I slid down to the ground with my back to the door. I was hyperventilating. My vision was blurry and I saw spots. I realized I was sobbing, and Jake had his arms around me making soft cooing noises to calm me down. He held me close and told me everything would be okay.
I shoved him away, fueled by a panicked rage. “Nothing is okay Jake. A man just got eaten on our front lawn. There are zombies running around eating people. So tell me, how the fuck will this be okay?”
Pushing him aside, I stood up and looked through the peephole. “Oh, God, no,” I whispered. A pack of them were heading straight for the door, trailed by a reanimated Officer Donnelly. The lower half of his leg had been ripped off, and the bone was jutting out from below his knee like someone had picked it clean. Daphne started to bark again, this time focused on the back of the house. I picked her up and turned to see a man standing at the sliding glass door. He didn’t try to open it with the handle. He just kept hitting the glass with his head; leaving smears of blood across the clean glass.
Spider web cracks were appearing in the glass and were spreading with each impact. At the same time, the group at the front door was causing the door frame to bow with the sheer force of their weight. “The doors won’t hold. We need to get to the garage!” As he said it, he grabbed me and looked me in the eyes. “Emma, we need to get out of here.”
We ran toward the garage, and made it to the kitchen before the glass door shattered. The zombie was in the house. Mere feet away, I could smell its decaying flesh as we ran for our lives. Blood oozed from a neck wound and it let out a wet gurgle.
“Jake! The Keys!”
“Go,” Jake said. “Get in the car. I’m right behind you.” He shoved me through the door and closed it behind me.
“JAKE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could hear muffled struggles from the other side of the door as I panicked from the thought of losing him. At once, I knew what I needed to do. I ran to the car and opened the door. Dropping Daphne on the driver’s seat I reached under it and groped around for the crowbar I always kept handy. My father grew up on the outskirts of Boston, and it had been ingrained into me at an early age to always be able to defend myself in a carjacking.
Finding my prize, I yanked it out and hefted the weight in my hands. I closed Daphne in the car and ran back to the garage door. Flinging it open, I saw Jake pinned to the kitchen floor by the zombie. He had his hands up under its throat and was using the leverage to keep it from biting him.
Like a banshee I raced into the kitchen, crowbar held over my head and brought it down on the zombie’s head. Again and again I struck it until it slumped over to one side and lay still. Jake lay on his back, panting. Rivulets of sweat beaded off his forehead, and blood splatter stained the front of his shirt and face. “My legs are pinned. Help me roll him off.”
We got him out from under the dead thing and I helped him to his feet, clutching him in a tight embrace as I cried into his chest. “Don’t ever,” I sucked in a wheezing gasp, stricken with terror. “Leave me again.” I panted.
“I won’t, baby,” he mumbled into my hair. He held up his hand, keys dangling. “Let’s get out of here. The front door is about…” I’m quite certain his next words would have been to give…because that’s exactly what happened. The door splintered inward and through the doorway stumbled in one disgusting vision after another. We hauled ass back to the garage. No way did I need to be told twice. 

27 July 2014

Second on the Right by Elizabeth Los Book Tour Grand Finale Blitz!

Second on the Right by Elizabeth Los
A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

It's the Grand Finale for
Second on the Right
by Elizabeth Los

Did you miss visiting Captain Hook's storybook world? There's still time to go check it out!

14  - Launch - More about Second on the Right and Elizabeth Los
What do you hope readers will take with them when they read your book? 
I hope readers will be able to sit back and enjoy the ride. I love books that take me on a journey full of twists and turns. If a reader gleans a message from the story, great! But otherwise, I just want it to be fun. I hope they find themselves liking Hook as I always have.

15 - Kelly P's Blog - Interview
Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
James is my favorite character in Second on the Right and also the inspiration/reason why I wrote Second on the Right in the first place. I always felt there was more to Hook’s story than just what we find in Barrie’s version. What motivated him and pushed him to seek revenge on Peter Pan? Was it really just the loss of his right hand or was there more to it than that?

Coffee Books & Art - The Inspiration for Second on the Right
As for the title, Second on the Right, this is a nod to the original J.M. Barrie text. Most known the phrase as second star to the right, but in Barrie’s Peter Pan, it was actually "second to the right, and straight on till morning". I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to write about Captain Hook if Barrie hadn’t written the story in the first place. So I felt it was only fitting to give a nod, multiple times in the novel in fact, to him and the original work.

Dividing by Zero - The Legend of Captain Hook
Said to be the only man Long John Silver feared, even the name “James Hook” is an alias. No one knows the true identity of the captain or where he came from. The man known as Captain James Hook has a cadaverous appearance, his pale face appearing as a spectral in the dark...

Musings of Immortals - Character Description of Captain Hook

16 - Sarah's StoryLines - Excerpt
Eileen woke with a start. Carefully, she peeled back the privacy sheet. A lump caught in her throat. The cabin door was open. She frowned. In the dim moonlight, a shadow stood just within the captain’s quarters. It moved. Her heart raced. She blinked, then stared. The dark silhouette glided silently. She watched, unbelieving. The shape loomed over the captain. She released the sheet.

17 - Mary - Character Description for Eileen

18 - The Wonderings Of One Person - The Mistral Thief
Captain Benedict’s ship is what is typically depicted of pirate vessels, a galleon ship... 
How does it compare with Captain Hook’s Jolly Roger?

Christy's Cozy Corners - Captain Hook's Crew of the Jolly Roger
Captain James Hook had a rather unique and, for the most part, loyal crew. The crew of the Jolly Roger was a lot of villainous pirates. But though they were a rough bunch and at times fear their captain’s temper, they were like family to James. Two specific men stand out among the group: Smee and Starkey...
"I had a hard time keeping my self interested in what was going on. But I am very glad I did. About half way through the story becomes so much better. It moves along quicker and keeps your attention until the end."

22 - My Devotional Thoughts - Buried Treasure and A Treasure You Can Search For
In the 1600s, a galleon ship, Nuestra Senora de Atocha, was caught in a hurricane off the coast of Key West. Supposedly, this one held an enormous cargo of gold, silver and gems. The original captain’s manifest claimed coins of different values, emeralds, boxes of gold and silver bars.

23 - Bookworm Lisa - How to Make Your Own Treasure Map
1) Think about what you want on the map. Lucky for James Benedict, his photographic memory came in handy when it came time to recall the directions to the island called Neverland...

24 - The Written Adventure - Real Life Paratey Adventure (Geocaching)
Geocaching is defined as the recreational activity of hunting for and finding a hidden object by means of GPS coordinates posted on a website, i.e. modern day treasure hunting. Honestly, the definition doesn’t begin to describe the fun and excitement involved.

25 - Dalene's Book Reviews - Review
"I enjoyed reading this book, the author took on Peter Pan and does a good job with this rewrite of a classic story. The characters are well developed and written."

Beck's Valley Books - Interview
Is there anything you don't like about being an author?
Talking about myself ;) That’s not to say I don’t enjoy discussing Second on the Right and the characters in the story. I welcome any questions, comments or discussion involving my novel. But questions about myself? Ugh.

Second on the RightSecond on the Right
by Elizabeth Los
Adult Fantasy
Paperback, 506 Pages
May 9 2014

Spawned from an ancient promise, treachery and intrigue follow the protagonists through our world and one lost to the waves. Bound by an invisible bond, they are thrust into a fantastical world of pirates and demons.

James Benedict is a just man haunted by evil. Pushed to the edge, everything stripped from him, a new man arises . . . a man whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it: "Captain Hook".

Eileen Davis was a timid woman. Through a fateful cruise she finds herself in the company of the Captain of the Mistral Thief. With his guidance, and the meddling of the local barista, she eventually finds her inner strength.

Will the two of them unite through time to fulfill the promise of their ancestors or will tempers ignite leading all to failure?

True love's magic is not to avoid changes,
But to navigate them successfully.
About Elizabeth Los

I began writing fan fiction short stories in 2010 as means of escape. Every night, after ten hours of work and once the children were finally tucked in bed, for the fifth time, I would sit at my laptop and let my imagination flow through my fingers. Typing over eighty words per minute, my stories quickly began to form from novellas into full length novels. I used writing as my therapy, my release for stress.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- $20 Amazon gift card and an ebook of Second on the Right (INT)
- Signed print copy of Second on the Right (US Only)
- Ends August 3rd

Prism Book Tours

Paw Prints In My Heart by Andrew Hessel Review!

Book Details

  • Paperback: 212 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 13, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1497595495
  • ISBN-13: 978-1497595491

About the Book
Here’s to great dogs. Many of us would like to believe there’s a special place in doggie heaven for the really great ones. I know I want to. No question they’ve earned it, deserve it, and it seems only fair. I know there are a great many great dogs out there, working their magic, living their lives with their families and saying it all without ever saying a word. For dog lovers, our precious memories of those “non-conversations” with dearly-departed four-legged friends lend silence a deafening quality. I explained to a friend that Paw Prints is a book about great dogs, not just my dog, although Mac was truly some great dog. And as I’ve said many times, he was certainly the dog of my life, and his friendship enriched and changed not just my life, but the lives of everyone in our family. While the book is my attempt to capture Mac’s remarkably and improbably wonderful story before it fades to past, it’s also in many ways my story, too. Because Mackie and I were happily and deliriously, joined-at-the-paw. Amazing, I think, that I could learn so much from a guy that never said a word. Paw Prints in My Heart is Mac’s story. I think of it as my gift to our family and all of his friends, two and four-legged, that had the pleasure and the privilege of knowing and being loved by this magnificent old Labrador retriever. It’s my best attempt to capture and chronicle a remarkable life, the pain and sadness of his passing, but most of all, his joyful impact upon us over what truly was a most improbable life of fourteen years and a day. A reverent and grateful tribute to a gentle and pure spirit that for me will always be a living reminder of a loving friend in the very truest sense. In every way, for me this book was a labor of love and joy to write. Parts will make you laugh, and others may bring you to tears, so a tissue at times may be advised. But I have the highest hopes that you’ll read it, enjoy it, and connect in ways that only you can understand. Maybe even share it with friends that might understand and pass it along, as a comfort for a true friend they’ve lost, and for what they’ve experienced, and a way for them to remember the laughter and happy times through their tears. I hope that dog lovers everywhere read this book and see a bit of their dog in Mac. I hope that the non-dog lovers amongst us read this book and reconsider. I hope that everyone has at least one dog of their life in their life. My first novel Rush to Dawn, was, in many ways a love letter to my wife, Lynne. This book, I’d like to believe, is a love letter from Mac to all of us.

The Review
Reading a book like “Paw Prints in My Heart” is always a tough choice to make.  Being non-fiction, it’s almost guaranteed to be a tear-jerker.  We all know that most humans will outlive their animals, it’s a simple fact of life.  Heart-breaking, but true.  

That being said, this book is more than just a couple hundred pages of paper.  It is a story that will truly warm your heart, make you laugh, drive you a little bit nuts (especially if you’ve ever had a pet that is so obstinate, yet so loveable), and it will make you cry.  

Author Andrew Hessel, being a writer at heart, tells the story of the “dog of his life” in such a way that draws the reader in, giving the feeling that we know Mac, a gloriously large and incessantly stubborn, yet totally endearing, black lab.  The retriever that wouldn’t retrieve…or swim.  Or ride in a car.  The kind of dog that turns even the most adamantly anti-dog people into dog lovers.  I’ve known a few of these people in my time (how anyone can not love dogs is just beyond me), and I’ve also known a few dogs of Mac’s caliber in my day.  

Almost from day one, Mac had to fight for his life.  With all the medical issues he faced (and all the hits to the Hessel family checkbook), he led a truly blessed life.  But as Hessel put it, Mac was more than just a pet, he was a friend.  A friend that Hessel went to extreme measures for, measures that most people would not (or could not) have done.  This country is blessed to have doctors of veterinary medicine of the caliber that the Hessel family encountered.  Especially their primary vet, many people in the medical field went above and beyond to care for Mac.  It is amazing to see the love and tender care given to animals.  Such a beautiful juxtaposition to what we see in the news most often.

As Hessel states, there are over 43 million households that have dogs in them in this country.  Mac is but one, though he was clearly a special one.  Even if you don’t have a dog, don’t want a dog, maybe you don’t even especially care for dogs much, give this book a shot.  It will restore your faith in humanity, if only for a few hours.  

Everybody needs a friend, companion, “dog of their life” and Hessel was blessed to have had that.  Sad as it is when it’s over, but what a beautiful 14 years and one day.  

A copy of the book was provided by the author and there was no monetary compensation.  

24 July 2014

The Queen's Exiles by Barbara Kyle Review!

Publication Date: May 27, 2014
Kensington Publishing
Formats: Ebook, Paperback

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 Europe is in turmoil. A vengeful faction of exiled English Catholics is plotting to overthrow Queen Elizabeth and install her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne. And in the Netherlands the streets are red with the blood of those who dare to oppose the brutal Spanish occupation. But amid the unrest, one resourceful young woman has made a lucrative enterprise. Scottish-born Fenella Doorn salvages crippled vessels. It is on one of these ships that she meets wealthy Baron Adam Thornleigh. Secretly drawn to him, Fenella can’t refuse when Adam enlists her to join him in war-torn Brussels to help find his traitorous wife, Frances—and the children she’s taken from him. But Adam and Fenella will put their lives in peril as they attempt to rescue his young ones, defend the Crown, and restore a peace that few can remember. With eloquent and enthralling finesse, Barbara Kyle illuminates one of history’s grimmest chapters. The Queen’s Exiles breathes new life into an extraordinary age when love and freedom could only be won with unmitigated courage.

Praise for The Queen’s Exiles

“Riveting Tudor drama in the bestselling vein of Philippa Gregory” – USA Today
“A bold and original take on the Tudors that dares to be different. Enjoy the adventure!” – Susanna Kearsley, New York Times bestselling author
“This moving adventure pulses with Shakespearean passions: love and heartbreak, risk and valour, and loyalties challenged in a savage time. Fenella Doorn, savvy and brave, is an unforgettable heroine.” – Antoni Cimolino, Artistic Director of the Stratford Festival
“Brilliant. A page-turner of love and loyalty in treacherous Tudor times. A truly unforgettable adventure.” – Deborah Swift, author of A Divided Inheritance
“A vivid and compelling novel by an author at the very top of her craft.” – Diane Haeger, author of I, Jane

Praise for Barbara Kyle’s Books

“Kyle knows what historical fiction readers crave.” – RT Book Reviews on Blood Between Queens
“A complex and fast-paced plot mixing history with vibrant characters” – Publishers Weekly on The King’s Daughter
“An all-action thriller, bringing to life the passion and perils of the Tudor period.” – Lancashire Evening Post on The King’s Daughter
“Riveting…adventurous…superb!” – The Historical Novels Review on The Queen’s Gamble
“An exciting tale of the intrigue and political manoeuvring in the Tudor court.” – Booklist on The Queen’s Captive
“Boldly strides into Philippa Gregory territory…sweeping, gritty and realistic.” – The Historical Novels Review on The Queen’s Lady

Buy the Book

About the Author

Barbara Kyle is the author of the acclaimed, internationally-published Thornleigh Saga novels which follow a middle-class English family’s rise through three tumultuous Tudor reigns:
The Queen’s Exiles
Blood Between Queens
The Queen’s Gamble
The Queen’s Captive
The King’s Daughter
The Queen’s Lady
Barbara was a speaker in 2013 at the world-renowned Stratford Festival with her talk Elizabeth and Mary, Rival Queens and is known for her dynamic workshops for many writers’ organizations and conferences. Before becoming an author Barbara enjoyed a twenty-year acting career in television, film, and stage productions in Canada and the U.S.
For more information visit You can also connect with Barbara at FacebookTwitter, and Goodreads.

Tour Hashtag: #QueensExilesTour

My Thoughts 
The Queen's Exiles refer to Adam Thornleigh and Fenella Doorn during Queen Elizabeth's reign. Adam is estranged from his wife Frances and she has taken their two children and hidden them from Adam with the Duke of Alba, a man who is slaughtering the Dutch people for the King of Spain . Fenella is a widow who has her own business on the island of Sark, off the coast of France, salvaging sea going vessels. Adam and Fenella met years previously in an earlier novel in the Thorleigh saga. They meet again when Adam's ship comes into the port of Sark needing repairs. Surprising events have thrown these two people together again in a fun reading experience.

In this novel, Spain has taken over the Netherlands and there are plots afoot to try to put Queen Mary back on England's throne, while Adam tries to get his children away from his wife, Fenella becomes his accomplice in this harrowing continuation of an awesome series. There are some returning characters  Adam’s sister, Isabel and her husband Carlos Valverde plus some new ones including the Sea Beggars and the Brethren, people who are fighting against Spain and its cruelty's against the Dutch people. 

I have only read about three of the novels in this series but that did not deter me from enjoying this historical fiction story that encompasses my favorite time in Tudor history. I would recommend starting the series from book one but it is not really necessary although it would help to keep the many characters  and story-lines straight. This is a story of treason, political machinations, loyalty and finally love. I look forward to the continuing Thornleigh saga, I highly recommend this series if you are a fan of historical fiction by an accomplished author.

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Monday, June 16Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages
Tuesday, June 17Excerpt & Giveaway at The Maiden’s Court
Wednesday, June 18Review at The True Book Addict
Friday, June 20Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Monday, June 23Review & Giveaway at Flashlight Commentary
Tuesday, June 24Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book
Wednesday, June 25Review & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books
Thursday, June 26Guest Post at Oh, for the Hook of a Book
Monday, June 30Review at HF Book Muse-News
Wednesday, July 2Guest Post & Giveaway at HF Book Muse-News
Monday, July 7Review at Ageless Pages Reviews
Wednesday, July 9Review at Historical Tapestry
Thursday, July 10Guest Post & Giveaway at HF Connection
Friday, July 11Review at Dianne Ascroft Blog
Monday, July 14Review & Giveaway at Broken Teepee
Wednesday, July 16Review & Giveaway at Luxury Reading
Thursday, July 17Review at Griperang’s Bookmarks
Friday, July 18Interview at Griperang’s Bookmarks
Monday, July 21Review at Always with a Book
Wednesday, July 23Guest Post & Giveaway at Always with a Book
Thursday, July 24Review at CelticLady’s Reviews
Friday, July 25Review at Sharon’s Garden of Book Reviews
Monday, July 28Review at A Bookish Affair
Wednesday, July 30Guest Post & Giveaway at A Bookish Affair
Thursday, July 31Interview at Passages to the Past

The Brothers' Keepers by Matthew Peters Spotlight and Excerpt!

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ purported spouse, Mary Magdalene. But what about Jesus’ siblings? What role did they play in early Christianity?
Contemporary Jesuit and renowned religious historian Nicholas Branson is about to find out…and the answer will shake the foundations of the Judeo-Christian world.
It all starts with the murder of a United States Senator in a confessional, and the discovery of a strange religious document among his possessions. At the urging of his FBI friend, Branson joins the investigation. His effort to uncover the truth behind the murder draws him into the search for an eight-hundred-year-old treasure and into a web of ecclesiastical and political intrigue.
Accompanied by a beautiful, sharp-tongued research librarian, Jessica Jones, Branson follows a trail of clues, from the peaks of the awe inspiring French Pyrenees to the caves of war-torn Afghanistan. Along the way, shadowy powerful forces trail the pair, determined to keep safe a secret buried for centuries.
MuseItUp Publishing (October 1, 2014)
The book can be purchased at

The man lit another cigar. “As hard as I try not to smoke these things, I just can’t seem to help myself. The treasure must have something to do with the Roman Catholic Church’s claim as God’s sole representative on earth. Nothing else makes sense. So, it has to be something that threatens their claim to such authority, and taking into account the involvement of secular powers, I think whatever it is threatens Judeo-Christian civilization as a whole.”
“How could anything bring down the dominant civilization?” Branson had thought of this often since his session with Rawlings.
“Among the world’s religions, Christianity is uniquely susceptible to having its underpinnings knocked out. Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism all developed slowly, along the lines of indigenous cultures. Without Mohammed, Islam would still live, as would Buddhism without Gautama. Christianity rests on one thing, the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity becomes a mere set of moral maxims, at best a good way to live one’s life, perhaps even a precursor to secular humanism. But if Jesus died and was raised from the dead, then Christianity has what other faiths only promise, the guarantee of eternal life in paradise.” Albert puffed on his cigar until it glowed fiercely. “And so, Doctor, another question. Is there proof of Jesus’ resurrection?”
Branson was on familiar ground now. “The Gospels give us eyewitness accounts. Mary Magdalene sees Jesus in the garden near his tomb. His disciples see him again in the Upper Room and elsewhere.”
Albert knocked his cigar ashes into the fireplace and smiled. “Let me ask you this: which Gospel is the oldest?”
“Mark, written around 70 AD. The next oldest is Matthew, followed by Luke, and finally John.”
“How does Mark, the earliest of the Gospels, end?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Tell me how Mark ends his story.”
Jessica joined in. “Three women go to Jesus’ tomb and find it empty. They meet a young man dressed in white who tells them that Jesus is risen. Then, not long after, he appears to the apostles.”
“Does she have it right, Dr. Branson?”
“Well, she’s pretty close. The three women go to the tomb, find it empty, and are told by the white-robed stranger that Jesus has risen. But…”
“Yes?” Albert pressed.
“The fact is the original version of Mark’s Gospel ends there. The material about Jesus appearing to the apostles, his ascent into heaven, was added later. But in the original, Mark makes no mention of any appearance of the resurrected Jesus.”
“Is an empty tomb proof of resurrection?” Albert asked. “Is hearing about the resurrection from a stranger proof? A rather shaky foundation to build a world religion on, n’est-ce pas? What about the testimony of the Roman guards? Of course they agreed with the resurrection story. If they’d admitted to falling asleep, or leaving their posts, or getting drunk, they would have lost more than their jobs. Just an empty tomb does not a resurrection make.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean the resurrection and appearance to the apostles didn’t happen.” Branson sounded more defensive than he’d intended. He didn’t feel himself to be in a strong position to serve as apologist for the Church, not here and now.
Jessica cleared her throat. “So, let’s ask a different question. What would constitute proof that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead?”
Branson let the objective scholar within take over from the Catholic believer. Under the circumstances, he was certainly glad he had the ability to do so. “Well, off the top of my head, I’d say finding his bones.”
“Very good,” Albert said, puffing away on his cigar. “But is that really the case? Old bones in some ossuary. How would you prove they’re the bones of Jesus Christ? Highly unlikely. So proving Jesus died is probably not the threat.”
“Isn’t there anything else that might challenge the foundation of Christianity?” Jessica asked.
Branson thought for a moment. “I suppose something that brought into doubt the virgin birth or the crucifixion.”
“Very good, Dr. Branson,” Albert said in between puffs of his cigar.
“Also very unlikely,” Branson admitted. “How can you prove the virgin birth? It’s not like Mary went around town saying, ‘Look at me, I’m the Virgin Mary.’ That title was bestowed upon her by the Church hundreds of years after her death. Unless you could find the equivalent of a two thousand year old birth certificate, or a paternity test from Joseph you’d be hard pressed to disprove it. And even if we allow for the fact that Jesus had siblings, as he clearly did from what the Gospels tell us, there is nothing to say that he wasn’t the eldest, and thus Mary could still have been a virgin at his birth, while the other children were conceived by Joseph.”
“What of the crucifixion?” Albert said.
“How can that be proved?”
“Well, I suppose you could find the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, or the nails used to affix him to the cross, or the crown of thorns he wore. However, proving any of that is next to impossible. The Romans crucified thousands and there is no way to tell from the remnants of wood who was crucified on a particular cross, the nails that were used, or the crown that was worn.” Branson thought for a moment. “So what do you think the Cathar treasure is, and where is it?”
Albert blew smoke rings into the cabin’s stale air. “Those are exactly the questions we hope you can help us answer, Dr. Branson. Will you join us in our efforts?”  


Dual diagnosed* from an early age, Matthew Peters dropped out of high school at sixteen. He went on to obtain an A.A., a B.A. from Vassar College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University. He has taught various courses in a variety of disciplines throughout North Carolina. He is committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of the dual-diagnosed. Conversations Among Ruins (forthcoming through All Things That Matter Press) is his first novel. His second novel, The Brothers’ Keepers (forthcoming through MuseItUp Publishing), is a political-religious thriller that capitalizes on his love for history and research. Currently, he is working on a sequel to The Brothers’ Keepers.
*The term dual diagnosed refers to someone suffering from a mood disorder (e.g., depression) and chemical dependency.
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