23 April 2010

A Couple Of Things

Since I have not heard from Sandy, who won a copy of An Absence So Great, I have decided to pick another winner and she is Priscilla ....Congrats  I will be emailing you shortly..!!!!

Other news: I came home yesterday from the hospital after having my knee revision. Surgery went well it's the recovery which is a bitch. I was not able to sleep much in the hospital and had issues about what I can take for pain. The other reason I didn't sleep is the fact they come every little while to do something else to my body and the fact that there was a baby in a room down the hall and cried a lot. Then the room right next to mine the lady  did nothing but cough and cough and cough. She did manage to go outside to smoke a couple of times. Even the fact that the hospital is a non smoking facility, inside and outside. I am allergic to Morphine, Percoset, Dilaudid, they all cause me to itch something fierce. So because of all that there are only certain things I can take. I had a hard time staying awake last night , I dozed a couple of times and scared the bejesus out of myself when I awoke and and realized the my laptop was on my lap and so was the tv. The screen scared me and I kept feeling like I was falling and I would snap to and saw that I was ok.

This morning was another process and a half. Shower time. After a few days of scratching and sweating I did need a shower and the hair needed a makeover. I was told that I could not get the knee wet. So to keep from doing that, we wrapped my knee in saran wrap and rubber bands. Sounds like an easy task right?? Wrong!!I love my husband dearly but when it comes to doing stuff like that he is totally useless, except that now we did it he will remember. His brain does not work the same as mine I guess. A few grumpy words back and forth and we accomplished the task of wrapping my knee to keep the area from getting wet. That done, now we had to figure out how I was going to get in the tub. Sounds easy enough. When I first get up, putting weight on the leg is very painful. We figured out how to do that and the shower commenced. Ah relief.....untill it was time to put on the TED stockings. Wow that was another process as my leg is extremely swollen and hard to the touch.
But we did it and now I am in my recliner and most likely not move a whole heck of a lot. The getting in and out of the car yesterday was another challenge. Because of my leg being so swollen I can not bend it at the knee very well. Yikes!!! My daughter is coming home for the weekend so that should help. Hope everyone had a great week and did lots of reading! Did I read a lot? Not so much....

The really great news this past week is that my son-in-law finally made it home last Saturday from Afghanistan. Wonderful news and my heart did a sigh of relief that he was home and that that he was out of the middle east...Clarence, you were missed and we will see you soon when we come to N.C for our vacation!!

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