
I am still having a difficult time concentrating on reading a book, I hope to get back into it at some point. Still doing book promotions just not reviews Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate all of you. Kathleen Kelly July 2024

20 February 2012

Being Human by Patricia Lynne Guest Post

I am pleased to have Patricia Lynne, author of Being Human here today. She is currently on tour with Ever After Pr promoting her book Being Human. Patricia can you tell us how you started writing and how you decide on the story and characters?

I honestly never thought I would publish a book. I never thought I’d write a book. Heck, I never thought I’d write even a chapter. Writing was the farthest thing on my mind. I was all about art.

First time I opened a document to start writing, it was just for fun. I had an idea that I played with every night to get to sleep and it just sounded like it would be fun to write it down. I would reread what I wrote every day, and then add a little more. It was a fun little project when I was bored. When that story ended, I had another idea. Why not write that down too? So I did. As I wrote, I got more and more ideas.

Then, I started Being Human. The file name was Remembrance. As I wrote, I thought the story wasn’t half bad. It wasn’t like the other vampires stories I had been reading. Twilight was all the rage at the moment, and while I enjoyed it (I later defected to the anti-Twilight side) I was a little disheartened by how whiney the vampires were. They were always complaining about how they wished to be human again, or how when they were younger they couldn’t control their bloodlust and killed people. Any vampires that didn’t complain were the bad guys. I wanted a story were the good guy vampires didn’t mind getting a little flesh stuck in their fangs as they nommed on a victim. A hero who had to kill to survive.

Tommy was born and so was a writer.

When I write, the characters always come first. Well, the main characters. I don’t plot at all, and half the time I have no idea how the story will end. I just let the main character take me on a ride and reveal things as I type. That includes minor characters that pop up without warning or become major characters. I will admit, as I’ve learned to write better, more and more of the story comes to me along with that first character. A few times, I’ve even known the ending!

Currently, I’m working on the sequel to Being Human called Being Vampire. It’s not coming to me as smoothly as Being Human did, but I do have a pretty good idea of how it ends. All I will say is, hopefully it’s something people will say they haven’t seen done much. I also have a short story called Fixing Ben that is out to beta readers for editing that I hope to have published soon. That has werewolves. All of my stories have some form of supernatural character. It’s what I love to read and what I love to write.

About Being Human

For Tommy, there is only one thing he needs to do: survive. 

Only surviving isn't that easy. The hunt for blood can be tricky when humans know to fear the night. Desire sits on the edge of his mind, urging him to become the monster humans think he is. Vampire Forces, a special branch of police, is determined to turn every vampire to ash. Tommy included. 

The only human Tommy can trust is his twin brother. A bond connects them, and with Danny's help, Tommy starts to understand the human world he struggles to survive in. He'll learn what friendships means and feel the sting of betrayal, find that sometimes the worst monsters are very human, and come to understand that family means more than blood. 

Tommy just wants to survive and he knows what he needs to do. But with the number of humans that mean more to him than a meal growing, he'll learn there's more to life than simple survival. He'll discover being human doesn't mean being a human.

About Patricia: 

I don't remember when exactly it happened, maybe while my husband was in college. I had a dream one night (and I always feel like I'm ripping off Stephenie Meyers when I say this but it's the truth) and in it there was this girl and a vampire, and the cast of True Blood was trying to keep them apart. I woke with the urge to write it - although not the True Blood part. So I did. As I went, I wasn't quite sure where it was going but that didn't deter me. I kept typing along and eventually I figured out who wanted to keep Kris and Kristen apart. After that another story came to me. Then another. And another. I couldn't stop and before I knew it I had a file for writing filled with stories - not all of them finished. I've been writing ever since. The characters in my head fight for attention and sometimes I wish I had more hands and a few computers to type it all down. Hopefully people will enjoy them as much as I do. 
Links to find me and my writing.

Thanks Patricia and readers, be sure to check out this book at the following links..!!

Feb 20 - Kathleen K. - guest post -
Feb  21 - Crystal D. - review -
Feb  22 - Karen G. - guest post -
Feb  23 - Asha - review, giveaway -
Feb  24 - Mandie S. - review, giveaway -
Feb  25 - MaryAnn - review, giveaway -
Feb  26 - Vidya - excerpt, guest post, giveaway -
Feb  27 - Karen D. - review, giveaway -
Feb  28 - Carole S. - review -
Feb  29 – Melissa H. – review, giveaway -



  1. Thanks so much for having me. =)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Patricia Lynne! I'm so glad someone agrees with me about whiney vamps. That's why I love your vampires. They kind of feel bad, but they are pretty content being "monsters". :)



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