20 February 2012

At The Mercy of the Queen by Anne Clinnard Barnhill Guest Post

    It is my pleasure to be able to participate in the Virtual Book Tour of At The Mercy of the Queen by Anne Clinnard Barnhill for Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours 

From Ms. Barnhill

 Writing can be a dangerous business.  I caution my students and myself to be careful when under the inspiration of the muse because the muse often comes at the most inopportune times.  Like when you're in the shower.  That isn't as dangerous as other times unless you are shaving your legs--then, you better focus on what you are doing at that moment, not on what crisis your character is having.  When I wrote AT THE MERCY OF THE QUEEN, I had to be especially careful while doing anything having to do with sharp objects. 
     If I were peeling potatoes for supper, often my mind was considering how Lady Margaret could arrive at court and what to do with her once she got there.  I don't have to tell you what happens when you combine daydreaming with a paring knife.  Cleaning my smooth-top stove with a razor blade---another thing NOT to do while under the influence of the muse.
     But the most frightening thing that happened to me did not occur in the kitchen.  Instead, I was driving to the beach to visit my parents.  The road had become desolate, nothing in sight but scrub pines.  The bright, July sun seemed to put me in a kind of daze and the blue sky, empty of clouds, made me feel like I had entered eternity.  I was imagining a scene between Lady Margaret and Henry VIII.  I was so deeply into the dialogue, I hadn't noticed a car come up behind me.  I was too busy talking to myself.  Out loud.  Only when the car passed, beeping its horn, did I realize how strange I must have looked.  I was having a heated debate, but there was no one else in the car.  Not only that, I'd been driving for two hours and until I heard the blare of that horn, I had not even realized where I was.  Nor could I remember how I got to that point on the highway.  The whole trip was blacked out, as if erased.
     From that moment, I will  not allow myself to think about writing in the car while driving.  It's way  more dangerous than talking on a cell phone!

Thank you so much Anne for your guest post...being a writer can be dangerous I see...

Be sure to visit the following blogs for their reviews!!

At the Mercy of the Queen Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Tuesday, January 3rd
Book Highlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Thursday, January 5th
Review at Broken Teepee

Monday, January 9th
Author Interview at The Maiden's Court

Tuesday, January 10th
Author Guest Post at Broken Teepee

Friday, January 13th
Author Guest Post at Passages to the Past

Monday, January 16th
Review at The Broke and the Bookish

Wednesday, January 18th
Author Guest Post at Tanzanite's Castle Full of Books

Friday, January 20th
Review at Tina's Book Review

Monday, January 23rd
Author Interview at Reading the Past
Author Guest Post at Bippity Boppity Book 

Wednesday, January 25th
Review at Bippity Boppity Book

Friday, January 27th
Review at Tanzanite's Castle Full of Books

Wednesday, February 1st
Review at From the TBR Pile

Friday, February 3rd
Review at A Musings Review

Monday, February 6th
Author Guest Post & Giveaway at Let Them Read Books

Wednesday, February 8th
Review at Unabridged Chick

Friday, February 10th
Author Guest Post at A Musings Review

Monday, February 13th
Author Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick 

Friday, February 17th
Review at A Bookish Affair

Monday, February 20th
Author Guest Post at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, February 22nd
Author Guest Post at A Bookish Affair

Friday, February 24th
Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Monday, February 27th
Review at A Bookish Libraria

Wednesday, February 29th
Review at Luxury Reading

Monday, March 5th
Review at Reviews by Molly

Wednesday, March 7th
Review at The True Book Addict

Friday, March 9th
Author Guest Post at The True Book Addict


  1. Hah, I never realized how precarious writing can be! I just have to wonder what the people in that car must have thought was going on as they passed Anne. That must have been quite a sight, too funny!

    Be careful all you authors out there :)

    Thanks for the guest post, Anne and for Kathleen for hosting her and the tour!

    HF Virtual Book Tours

  2. Thanks for having us Amy!!... It is very interesting to find out how an author gets the idea for a book and how the process goes from there.


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