07 August 2015

Incurable by E.C. Moore Review!

Book Details
  • File Size: 1786 KB
  • Print Length: 295 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Booktrope Editions (July 22, 2015)
  • Publication Date: July 22, 2015
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B012EJJ4KG

About Incurable 
Her menacing past was loose and in close pursuit. The fear of the thing lived in her eyes, and trepidation sounded with each step her heels made as she fled…
 Los Angeles 1956—Marilyn Palmer is a beauty with a deep dark secret. After a threatening note from a blackmailer arrives she hires a private eye to help keep her unsavory past under wraps.
Incurable is a story wrought with impetuous and regrettable decisions made by a desperate young woman. Barely eighteen years old, and a gifted seamstress, she makes the ill-fated decision to run away from her Detroit home with a wily friend. Bound for Hollywood, and seeking stardom, the girls set out on an incredible journey.
 This splendidly imagined debut explores the tumultuous life and times of a woman who suffered the ultimate betrayal as a child during the Great Depression. A story of survival set against the backdrop of early Hollywood, misery on Hotel Street in Honolulu before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and heartbreak in Los Angeles during WWII, Incurable delivers an emotional intensity rarely found.

About E.C. Moore 
At one time Elizabeth ran and operated a successful coffeehouse. When her freelance writing career took off she had to sell, and the new owners ran it into the ground. Now it’s a Starbucks! To this day she cannot pass an indie coffee house or bookstore without stopping in. Supporting independents is crucial, whether or not that indie is a place of business or a novelist.

She resides in a fifties bungalow in Southern California, with her creative-director, hubba-hubba husband, a yappy blonde dog, and one feisty Chihuahua.

Connect with E.C. Moore on Social Media
Facebook:         http://tinyurl.com/o7zassb
Twitter:            @ecmooreauthor  https://twitter.com/ecmooreauthor
Pinterest:          thttp://tinyurl.com/om6355t
Goodreads:      http://tinyurl.com/opnualp
Website:          http://www.ecmooreauthor.com/
Google+:         http://tinyurl.com/ot3744n
Read an Excerpt

Her eyes were green and definitely her best feature. He had to admit those gorgeous emerald pools held a huge claim to fame, because they were in competition with flawless skin, a perfect nose, and full lips, all framed with long silky auburn hair begging to be touched. Never had he laid eyes on such a lovely head so up close and personal. Reg did his best not to let his hungry eyes travel south. He recognized what was happening. He felt like a breathing cliché, a private eye in a seedy office facing a beautiful dame in need of his know-how.
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