25 October 2017

Halloween Countdown Blitz - Day 9!

During swim season you can find Marianne Sciucco, a dedicated Swim Mom for ten years, at one of many Skyline Conference swim meets cheering for her daughter and her team, the Mount Saint Mary College Knights.
Marianne is not a nurse who writes but a writer who happens to be a nurse. A lover of words and books, she dreamed of becoming an author when she grew up but became a nurse to avoid poverty. She later brought her two passions together and writes about the intricate lives of people struggling with health and family issues.
Her debut novel "Blue Hydrangeas," an Alzheimer’s love story, is a Kindle bestseller, IndieReader Approved, a BookWorks featured book, and a Library Journal Self-e Selection. She also has two short stories available on Kindle, "Ino's Love" and "Collection.”
A native Bostonian, Marianne lives in New York’s Hudson Valley, and when not writing works as a campus nurse at a community college.

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Sometimes winning is everything. Champion swimmer Aerin Keane is ready to give up her dreams of college swimming and a shot at the Olympics. As she starts senior year in her third high school, Aerin's determined to leave her family troubles behind and be like all the other girls at Two Rivers. She's got a new image and a new attitude. She doesn’t want to win anymore. She's swimming for fun, no longer the freak who wins every race, every title, only to find herself alone. But when her desire to be just one of the girls collides with her desire to be the best Two Rivers has ever seen, will Aerin sacrifice her new friendships to break a longstanding school record that comes with a $50,000 scholarship?

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Top Ten List:

10 Fun Facts About Me
1.     In 8th grade I cut off my waist-length hair so I could have the Dorothy Hamill bob. I thought I could always grow it back. I never did. In my dreams, I have long hair.
2.     There were 1300 kids in my high school graduating class!
3.     I once had a cat that had no tail.
4.     The cat I have today was a rescue.
5.     The first car I ever bought for myself was a 1974 Mustang. We called it the baby blue buggy.
6.     My next car was a 1970 Plymouth Valiant that I bought for $750. It was green, and ugly, and like a tank.
7.     I once worked for a high-end coat manufacturer, and because I was a size 10 was often called to the president's office to model the latest designs.
8.     In 6th grade my friends and I learned all the words to the top  hits, including The Lion Sleeps Tonight, I Think I Love You, and Little Willie.
9.     I met the members of U2 backstage at a concert in Rhode Island in 1983.

10.My favorite author let me interview her for my honors thesis (as long as I didn't publish it, thus she remains unnamed, but she's a multi-time New York Times bestselling author.)

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