25 October 2017

Storm Child by Melanie Mason Book Tour and Giveaway!

16-year-old Eridale Storm must leave the only home she’s ever known and brave the dangers of the unknown wilds to escape capture by Imperial soldiers.
The only safe place is with her mother, who abandoned her to lead the freedom movement when Eridale was just a child. On her journey, Eridale learns that she holds a key role in the confilct between the Empire and the Freedom Fighters. Her choices could lead the people back to freedom or shackle them under the imperial throne forever.
Can Eridale face the heritage that will define the rest of her life?

Melanie is an author, designer, photographer, and flight attendant all rolled into one. She has told stories all her life and finds her passion in sharing the plots that spin through her head. She now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her two dachshund-chihuahua dogs. She loves the beauty of the Pacific Northwest that feeds her imagination.
When no one is listening, Melanie loves to belt Broadway songs in her living room and car. Someday she hopes to be on a flight where someone is reading her book.
Connect with the Author here: 

Top Ten List
1. Emma Watson
2. Chris Evans (I really want to hug all those muscles.)
3. Gal Gadot (Because she kicked some serious booty in Wonder Woman)
4. Patrick Stewart
5. Jennifer Garner
6. Peyton Meyer (He is just so stinking cute)
7. Dove Cameron
8. Chris Pine (Those eyes get me every time)
9. Scarlett Johansson
10. Uriah Shelton

Character Casting

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

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