06 June 2019

Great Summer Reads! Day 4

Through a crazy twist of fate, Caroline Clemmons was not born on a Texas ranch. To compensate for this illogical error, she writes about handsome cowboys, feisty ranch women, and scheming villains in a tiny office her family calls her pink cave. She and her Hero live in North Central Texas cowboy country where they ride herd on their three rescued indoor cats as well as providing nourishment outdoors for squirrels, birds, four feral cats, a fox, a raccoon, and two possums. 

The books she creates in her pink cave have made her an Amazon bestselling author and won several awards. She writes sweet to sensual romances about the West, both historical and contemporary as well as time travel and mystery. Her series include the Kincaids, McClintocks, Stone Mountain Texas, Bride Brigade, Texas Time Travel, Texas Caprock Tales, Pearson Grove, and Loving A Rancher as well as numerous single titles and contributions to multi-author sets. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, reading her friends’ books, lunching with friends, browsing antique malls, checking Facebook, and taking the occasional nap.

A destitute widow; a reformed con man; the danger that links them…

Betsie Galloway Hirsch has escaped Memphis with her son. Her gambling husband tricked the wrong people and they’re demanding Betsie pay his debts—or else. She’s come to Kincaid Springs to stay with her mother and seek a safe place for her son. Being so far from her former home, she feels secure. That is, until danger confronts her.

After 34 years alone, Michael “Monk” Magonagle is falling in love with Betsie and is fond of her son. Monk is certain she is not free of the men her late husband cheated. Although he is not a violent man by nature, Monk is willing to fight for Betsie’s safety. He and the men of the Kincaid family prepare to meet the enemy.

How can Betsie and Liam be protected from the approaching danger? Will she and Monk be able to forge a love that endures or will one of them be silenced forever? What toll will the enemy exact? 

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Q&A With the Author:

1.  What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Most of my waking time is spent writing. When I’m not writing, I read, spend time with my husband who I call Hero, lunch with friends, browse antique malls with my daughter, and may even take a nap.

2. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I need two things that help my muse: Cherry Dr Pepper and chocolate, usually M&Ms. Not healthy, but they truly do help me.

3. Do you have any suggestions to help budding authors become better writers? If so, what are they?
My most important suggestion is that you absolutely do NOT let anyone discourage you! Grow a thick skin so you can take criticism of your work without losing faith in yourself. Hone your craft. Find a good critique group of same genre authors who are skillful enough that their critique of your work is credible. Read and, if you particularly enjoy a book, go back and analyze why. Be disciplined and keep writing.

4. Where do you get information and ideas for your books?
In my office I have numerous research books I can use as reference. In addition, I use online sources while keeping in mind not to have blind faith in what I read online.
Ideas pop into my head all the time—I can’t stop them. I love that this happens. I used to worry that I would run out of ideas but now I see that I’d have to live to be at least two hundred to write all the story ideas I have now. If someone is having difficulty capturing and idea, look through non-fiction books available for an idea.

5. What do you think makes a good story?
A hero and heroine who make you care what happens to them and an ending that leaves you with a smile. 

6. Tell us about your favorite summer vacation? Or what do you like to do in the summer?
I’m not a summer person and get sick from the heat. I stay inside and write in the summer. My favorite summer vacation was a guided tour to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England at the end of summer one year. If I could go to only one of those, I’d choose Ireland.

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