06 June 2019

Please Explain "Time Out" to Me by Laurie Zelinger and Fred Zelinger Book Tour, Review and Giveaway!

Time Out is a dignified and effective method of discipline, endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association. This book, written by parenting experts, explains the Time Out process and provides step-by-step instructions for its proper and effective use. Please Explain Time Out To Me is two books in one: an engaging story with colorful illustrations and a parent section which describes the Time Out process in detail, as well as the advantages and pitfalls of other methods of discipline.

Children will: 
- Enjoy the story and illustrations
- Understand how Time Out works
- Empathize with the characters in the book
- Be treated respectfully when given a consequence
- Experience the benefits of Time Out as a mechanism of behavior change

Parents and caregivers will: 
- Develop a plan for supplying responses to their child’s unacceptable behavior
- Understand the rationale behind Time-Out as a management technique
- Learn how to use Time Out effectively
- Better handle behavioral issues wherever they occur
- Learn that physical forms of punishment do not work

From Loving Healing Press www.LHPress.com

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Drs. Zelinger book is clearly informed by literature and both clinical and personal experience. Its simplicity and ease-of-use and understanding allows for broad reach to all parents that face the normal challenges in raising children. The story to help the child understand makes this book unique, as well as the “fixer box” concept. Behavioral difficulties often stem from struggles around feeling in control. This book gives a concrete, more adaptive path for both parents and child to feel in control. 

-- David Salsberg, PsyD, DABPS Clinical Neuropsychologist; Director, Pediatric Assessment, Learning & Support (PALS), New York, NY.

In Please explain Time Out To Me, Drs. Laurie and Fred Zelinger offer a clear, concise and insightful look at the often misunderstood and misinterpreted concept of time out. Combining colorful illustrations and story line for children and step-by-step guidelines and principles for parents and adults, the book has unique appeal to both. I highly recommend this book, particularly to parents foraging through the tangled, complicated and sometimes scary web called parenthood. 

-- Iris Ackerman, LCSW, PhD, Clinical Social Worker

As a child psychiatrist, finding parenting books that are straightforward, helpful, and concise is a rare find indeed. Drs. Laurie and Fred Zelinger offer just that in Please Explain Time Out To Me. In its pages, they harness their expert clinical experience and judgment and offer it in a relatable, engaging, and entertaining way. I highly recommend this book to families who are struggling with the difficult journey of growing up and managing problem behaviors along the way. 

-- Stephen Perret, MD., Child Psychiatrist

Thumbs up for Drs. Zelingers book on explaining time out to kids. As a busy working mom with six children, I have used time out effectively. I would recommend reading this book to help understand the benefits of time out for both parents and children, and the effectiveness of time-out as a learning tool. Drs. Zelinger’s thought out story will be a helpful, useful contribution for kids, parents and teachers. 

-- Chani Jacobowitz, LCSW; Mother of 6 From the Please Explain To Me... series

My Review
Please Explain "Time Out" to Me is a book to help parent's deal with their child's behavior. I am 65 and when I was a child, the term "time out" was not a thing. I got the belt whenever I did something wrong, and it seemed like it was an all the time thing. I did not behave badly as far as I remember, the parents just could not handle kids. 

That said, when I had my four kids, I think that there was only one spanking in all the years that the kids were home. I always said that I did not want to repeat my parent's mistakes. I wish that my parents would have had a book like this. But it was the 50's and 60's, time was different then.

Back to the book, I wish that I had had a book like this. My son was a handful and he was in time out a lot. I would put him in time out and try to explain his behavior so I guess I kind of used the techniques in the book to a certain degree. Didn't always work, the time out that is as there were other circumstances which caused his bad behavior.

As I read the book, I kind of got the giggles, the boy who is the narrator has a sense of humor for sure as he tells the story of how he behaves. The reader learns all about him and his family and his interactions with his little brother Liam. He tells how he feels when he is being naughty and later in the book how he likes himself better when he is good. 

The story is very readable, perfect for a bedtime story, I love the illustrations, very well done. In the back of the book is a guide to the parent for effective behavioral management for positive and negative punishment. I also like the part about the 5 essential steps to time out and how to implement it. 

I really think that this book is a must for any parent, whether you have a child that has behavioral issues on a regular basis or a parent who has a child who only misbehaves once in a while. Oh yes, I also liked the idea of a frustration fixer box. It is a concept of putting a bunch of things in a box that will help the child through his behavior issue. It can be anything that will help the child and the child can even pick out what he wants to put in the box. 

I highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars!

More books by the author

About the Author
Dr. Laurie Zelinger, Diplomate, is a Board Certified Psychologist with a specialty in School Psychology, and a Registered Play Therapist with forty years' experience. She is a licensed New York State psychologist who recently retired from a Long Island public school system and is now devoting her time exclusively to writing, consulting, and her busy private practice. Dr. Laurie's previous books include: "Please Explain Anxiety to Me: Simple Biology and Solutions for Children and Parents," The "O MY" in TonsillectOMY & AdenoidectOMY: How to Prepare Your Child for Surgery (in its second edition), A Smart Girl's Guide to Liking Herself Even on the Bad Days for American Girl, and a chapter on selective mutism in the compendium, School Based Play Therapy (second edition). She is also credited with being a consultant for the Bitty Baby book series by American Girl where she assisted in the development of the "For Parents" sections, as well as editorial development of another American Girl book. Dr. Laurie's interest in writing began in 4th grade, when a play she wrote was performed by students in her public school. Dr. Zelinger is a fellow and elected officer in the nationally based American Academy of School Psychology and spent four years on the Executive Board of the New York Association of Play Therapy. As a media referral specialist for the American Psychological Association, she has contributed to nearly 200 venues regarding child development. Dr. Laurie and her psychologist husband, Dr. Fred, are both certified Red Cross Disaster Mental Health volunteers. They have been happily married for over thirty-five years and have raised four children. You can learn more about Dr. Zelinger and her books at DrZelinger dot com. 

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  1. Good luck with the book! I found it to be a very helpful book!

  2. I would explain the bad behavior and why it is not good. Then also explain that the time out is not necessarily a punishment but more a reflection on the the bad behavior and how it can be changed.


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