23 June 2019

The Jewel Garden by Marilyn Pemberton Blog Tour! @mapemberton54 @hfvbt #TheJewelGarden #MarilynPemberton #HFVBTBlogTour

The Jewel Garden by Marilyn Pemberton

Publication Date: February 28, 2018
Williams & Whiting
eBook & Paperback; 388 Pages
ISBN-13: 978-1912582037
Genre: Historical Fiction
It was a time when women were starting to rebel against Victorian conventions and to strive for their independence. This is a story of Hannah Russell’s physical, emotional and artistic journey from the back streets of the East End of London to the noisy souks and sandy wastes of Egypt; from the labyrinthine canals of Venice to the lonely corridors of Russell Hall in Kent. Hannah thinks she has found love with Mary De Morgan, a writer of fairy tales and one of William Morris’s circle of friends. But where there is devotion there can also be deceit and where there is hope there also dwells despair.

Available on Amazon

About the Author

Marilyn Pemberton has always worked in IT and is still a full-time project manager, but is hoping to retire very soon. At the age of 40, she decided she wanted to exercise the right side of her brain and so commenced a part-time BA in English literature. This progressed to an MA and then to a PhD on the utopian & dystopian aspects of Victorian fairy tales. During her research, Marilyn “discovered” Mary De Morgan, a Victorian writer of fairy tales, amongst many other things. She became somewhat obsessed with De Morgan and as she wanted to share her research she wrote Out of the Shadows: The Life and Works of Mary De Morgan, which was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2012. Despite her intensive research, there were still many gaps in her knowledge and because she just could not let De Morgan, or the act of writing, go she decided to write a fictional novel based on De Morgan’s life – the result being "The Jewel Garden." Marilyn is currently looking for representation for her second novel, "Song of the Nightingale," which is set in 18th century Italy and tells of two young boys who are bought from their families, castrated and then trained to be singers. The fate of the boys as castrati is an integral part of the tale, of course, but it is also a story of adulterous passion, deceit, murderous revenge, guilt, and enduring love. Marilyn is now working on a third novel called "Grandmothers' Footsteps" that will tell of four generations of women and their attempts to tell their “herstories” to a world deaf to the female voice.

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Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, June 17
Excerpt at Broken Teepee
Tuesday, June 18
Review at Locks, Hooks and Books
Interview at Maiden of the Pages
Wednesday, June 19
Feature at Chicks, Rogues and Scandals
Thursday, June 20
Interview at Passages to the Past
Friday, June 21
Review at Book Reviews from Canada
Excerpt at Historical Fiction with Spirit
Saturday, June 22
Guest Post at Book Reviews from Canada
Sunday, June 23
Feature at CelticLady’s Reviews
Monday, June 24
Review at Coffee and Ink
Tuesday, June 25
Excerpt at The Book Junkie Reads


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